Friday, March 27, 2009


Good Morning!!!!! I have titled this post "Untitled" until I decide on a title. I did that because I usually forget to put in a title when I finish writing. I put in the title when I am pau because I do not know what I am going to write about when I start.

Today is the same as yesterday, not a good day for a walk. Here it is 10a and it is 50 on the "warm" side of the house.

Not related to anything, but if I lived where the G20 is going to meet I would get out of town quick! All hell is going to break loose. Most of my readers don't want me to go down this road, so I am thinking of starting another blog. Comments?

Kilauea is just doing its thing. A lava lake can be seen, if you are a scientist, in the new crater on the floor on Halema'uma'u. Quakes, tephra, and tremor are the same as yesterday. I remember my dad telling how, when he was a child, there was a lake in Halema'uma'u all the time. Sometimes very low and at other times so deep that it would overflow onto the floor of Kilauea. This may be the start of the same kind of eruption. It could go on for the next 100 years.

My daughter, on her blog today, says that she feel kind on weird as yesterday was a holiday and so today feels like Monday. I know how she feels. Being retired I have enough trouble keeping tract of days of the week and having my wife off yesterday and then going to work today got me all mixed up.

The sun came out for about 10 minutes and now is gone. Guess I will be too. God bless all of you and God bless America.

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