Friday, January 30, 2009

Welcome Hokusushi

Aloha: I would like to greet and thank my new follower, Hokusushi!!!! She (I think she is a she) has a blog of her own. The "old timers" has kicked in as I can not remember what she calls it. Auwe, E kala mai i'au!!! If I knew how to use this machine better I could look it up.

Volcano update from the HVO website, in red. Past 24 hours at Kilauea summit: Northeasterly winds kept the plume moving toward the southwest resulting in good air quality in the surrounding communities yesterday. Overnight, intermittent and very faint glow from the vent was recorded by a webcam directly above it. This morning, a slightly wispy plume is being (blown) southwest over the rim of Halema`uma`u Crater and out into the Ka'u Desert.Small amounts of ash were collected this morning, but the amounts were about 6 times what was collected yesterday morning and consisted of fine rock dust including twisted hair and tiny spherules. Gas roaring sounds were heard. Sulfur dioxide emission rates remain elevated and variable. The most recent average measurement was 900 tonnes/day on January 23, still elevated above the 2003-2007 average rate of 140 tonnes/day. Seismic tremor levels remain elevated. Five earthquakes were strong enough to be located beneath the south summit caldera and 3 on south flank faults. The number of RB2S2BL earthquakes was within background values.

It another beautiful day here in God's country. Clear, crisp and sunny. It was 44 degrees this morning and now is 54. Looks like it will get up to 65 this afternoon. The birds are happy and making sweet sounds. Life is good (knock on wood).

This afternoon I will walk to the Post Office to catch the bus to Na'alehu to pick up my wife's "tank". Tomorrow we will being going to Ocean View since she will be teaching a class for the Red Cross. For those of you who do not know she is an instructor that trains others to be instructors. She also instructs professional rescuers. I think this class is for Red Cross volunteers.

Still waiting for ideas for this blog. God bless all of you and may God bless America!

Thursday, January 29, 2009


Aloha no: We will start with the Volcano update from the HVO website. Again the update will be in red.

Past 24 hours at Kilauea summit: Continuing weak winds produced poor air quality in the surrounding communities yesterday. Overnight, intermittent faint glow from the vent was recorded by a webcam directly above it. This morning, a slightly wispy plume is ascending 300 m (1,000 ft) before being blown to the west. Very small amounts of ash were collected this morning; the collection consisted of fine rock dust that included several strands of very delicate, yet fresh, Pele's hair. Gas rushing and rockfall sounds were heard. Sulfur dioxide emission rates remain elevated and variable. The most recent average measurement was 900 tonnes/day on January 23, still elevated above the 2003-2007 average rate of 140 tonnes/day. Seismic tremor levels remains elevated and is slowly increasing in amplitude. Six earthquakes were strong enough to be located on south flank faults. The number of RB2S2BL earthquakes was within background values. The network of tiltmeters within the caldera recorded weak deflation. The GPS network (less sensitive than the tiltmeter network) has recorded about 2 cm of contraction across the caldera over the previous 3 months; there has been little contraction or extension over the past two weeks.

For the benefit of my sister in Kansas and my other readers I will explain just what a "mo'opuna" is. One's "mo'opuna" is a beloved grandchild. The Hawaiian language has many words that can not be broken down. "Mo'o" is lizard or gecko, "puna" is a fresh water spring. "Lei" is a garland of flowers, "aloha" is, well, aloha. "Leialoha" is a beloved child.

It was a clear, crisp day in God"s country this morning. temperature of 47 and the stars were all out. It is a clear day in Hilo and will be hot this afternoon. Anakam has a meet and greet with the people at Imiloa this afternoon when she finishes her classes.

Tomorrow I will be going to Na'alehu to pick up my wife's "tank". The "Hele-On" gets to Volcano at 3:45p and gets to Na'alehu at nearly 5p. The repair shop closes at 5 so I just might have Anakam drive me out. It is an inconvenience as Na'alehu is 72 miles from Hilo. I will have to call after 9a tomorrow to find out if it is ready.

God bless and take care of yourselves.

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Helloha: How's that. Hello and Aloha both together. I will do the volcano update first as I am going to use another part of the HVO update, rather then just the summery. Here it is, in red, as usual.

Past 24 hours at Kilauea summit: Continuing weak winds produced poor air quality in the surrounding communities yesterday. Overnight, no glow from the vent was observed. Very small amounts of ash were collected this morning; the collection consisted of fine material that appeared recycled, not fresh. Faint sounds of gas rushing and rockfalls were heard.Sulfur dioxide emission rates remain elevated and variable. The most recent average measurement was 900 tonnes/day on January 23, still elevated above the 2003-2007 average rate of 140 tonnes/day.Seismic tremor levels started to increase at about 6:30 am this morning. One earthquake was strong enough to be located beneath the southern caldera. The number of RB2S2BL earthquakes was within background values.

Well, Anakam got her internship. She will be at the Imiloa Center. She starts next week. There goes my Fridays off. Imiola is part of the UH system for the "star struck" among us. It is for the public to learn just what "star gazing" is all about. She is very pleased and excited.

I am in Hilo and it is a bight and sunny day. It was in the high 40s this morning when we left Volcano. I think we will have neighbors for some time. They have scraped the driveway and have two little dogs in a cage in the back yard. Looks like I will have to wear clothes when I go out now.

Would you believe? I just cut up some hotdogs for CJ and he ate not 1, not 2, but 3 whole hot dogs. Some days he will not eat anything and then other days....... He is like his mother and does not like any of his foods together and touching. Plain bread, plain rice. I tried to get him to eat bread with jelly or butter but no, just plain.

God bless you all and God bless America. It is good to see "My Crazy World" back on line.

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Aloha kakou: I am here in Hilo sitting with my mo'opuna today. It was a bit chilly in Volcano this morning, 45 degrees outside and 56 inside the house. The winds were very light yesterday afternoon and night so air quality was down.

Halema'uma'u update from HVO website follows, in red: Activity Summary for past 24 hours: An abrupt decrease in seismic tremor levels occurred last night. Very small amounts of tephra, mostly rock dust, are still being produced. Sulfur dioxide emission rates remain elevated from both the Halema`uma`u and the Pu`u `O`o vents. Lava from east rift zone vents flows through tubes to the ocean; surface flows remain active on the coastal plain. How about them apples!! I just might get the hang of this thing yet!

Again no glow from the vent last night and when the staffers went to collect the tephra there was no sound from the vent, so we may not get our show after all.

Got my electric bill the other day. First full month with the new water heater. Bill went from $145 to $195, auwe, auwe. Sure do like the idea of having hot water when we want it though. We will see what happens next month. then we can try turning it on and off, although then we will not have hot water whenever we want.

God be with all of you and may God bless America!

Monday, January 26, 2009

Aloha kakahiaka ia kakou: Here it is another beautiful day in Hawaii nei. It was, again, a cold and wet day in God's country when we left this morning. It was down to 48 degrees. It is cloudy here in Hilo so it is not hot. Those of us who live up-country find Hilo to be rather hot during the day.

Halema'uma'u update: SOS. No report on tephra collections for the last few times. Earthquakes, SO2 and tremor all the same. There was faint glow from the vent last night so it appears that the lava lake is slowly rising.

Today I will have to be the "villain" and take CJ to the doctor for his well baby check-up. His mother will be at work so I get the job. I hope I remember where the doctor's office is and what questions she wants me to ask.

I made mention of the leaky faucet in the kitchen and I tried to fix it. Got nowhere as the screw that holds the handle on started to strip. I will now have to get a special thing-a-jig to remove a striped screw. I am thinking of changing the whole fixture as I do not like the way the faucet works. The outlet is not high enough when you want to rinse dishes or wash your hands.

I am waiting for the auto repair to call about the "tank". I think I will try to take the "Hele-on" bus from Volcano to Na'alehu on Friday to pick it up. Since my taxes pay for the bus I might just as well use it.

I am still waiting for ideas for this blog. Any ideas folks? God bless and take care. Oh, I almost forgot. The time here in Hilo is now 9:41a.

PS: CJ update: Got back from the doctor's and CJ is AOK!!!! Height 39.25 inches and weight 38.75 pounds. One pound per inch. Puts him in the top 10% for his age. His eyes and ears were checked, no shots this time and next appointment in one year. Except for the hearing test he was very cooperative. Great kid!!! This up-date posted at 3:30p.

Sunday, January 25, 2009

Aloha: Am trying something new so hang on to your seat.

Activity Summary for past 24 hours: Increased amplitude seismic tremor in the summit coincided with the return of weak glow from the Halema`uma`u vent. Sulfur dioxide emission rates remain elevated from both the Halema`uma`u and the Pu`u `O`o vents. Lava from east rift zone vents flows through tubes to the ocean; surface flows remain active on the coastal plain. The stuff in red I copied from the HVO website. Earthquakes are down for now. RB2S2BL quakes are within background levels, although at the higher end.

Ka'iulani reminded me of what I forgot twice. It seems that Macy's lost a lawsuit and had to give away a bunch of stuff so she had Burida and me go to the store and pick up some kind of face cream for her. The cream cost about $30 an ounce. Women just do not realize that men do not notice that they use that kind of "war paint". The less they wear the more men like it. Save your money girls!!!!

I have no idea what clock the computer uses for its time stamp, but I will read a comment from somebody in the same time zone as I am and the time stamp will be two hours in the future. I guess with computers time travel is possible. I will try to work in a time when I do this so all my faithful readers will get a better idea of our time frame. Shall I use codswallop and popinjay now. I guess not.

It is 10:30a here in Gods country and it is cold and wet. Fifty degrees outside and kind of misty. Good excuse to stay indoors and play games on the computer, read things from the "Hot Air" website and pray for the future of this country. When some Republican offered suggestions at one of our fearless leaders meetings they were told that he won the election and that was that!!! Great way to win friends and influence people. Maybe the Pope is right.

May god bless all of you and may God bless this country.

Saturday, January 24, 2009

Aloha ahiahi ia kakou. Here we are back from our grandson's birthday get together. Topher's brother and sisters were there with their children. A fun time was had by all. We were the first to leave so that the younger set can then let loose. As always too much food.

I started this then realized I had not checked the volcano update. When I checked this morning it was SOS as per the last few days. The lava lake under the crater floor seems to be rising so we might get a show. We can all hope.

Have you ever had the need to do something, know the process to get it done, but lack the experience of doing it? Afraid to start because if something goes wrong you do not know how to fix it? I am there right now. I need to fix a leaky faucet in the kitchen. I will either chicken out tomorrow or as Larry would say, "Git er done". Stay tuned for the next chapter in this exciting saga.

There was something I wanted to mention yesterday but forgot. Remembered it at CJ' thing and now only remember that I forgot what it was again. Auwe, the "old timers" is in high gear tonight. God bless you all and take care.

Friday, January 23, 2009

Aloha: Well, the power just came back on. It has been out for about 2 hours. I took the "tank" to Ka'u Auto Repair this morning. Anakam came out to Na'alehu to pick me up and drive me back to Volcano. When I called at the beginning of the week I was told I could bring the car on Friday. I get there at 9:15a and the place is locked up. I called the number for their tow truck and the boss's son answered and to make a long story short he came, opened up and took the "tank". Seems the dad, Jim Masters, had to go to Honolulu for medical tests. On the way back we stopped at "bird park" for a short walk. Several pheasants came right up to us which really kind of spooky as one does not really know what's the birds intent . I told Anakam to be sure to protect CJ's eyes in case the birds jumped at him. I do not think that the park is feeding the birds as they are not native.

SOS on the volcano update. It is a bit on the chilly side here in God's country, chilly and wet.

Tomorrow we will be celebrating CJ's 3rd birthday. His birthday is really today, but people must work so....... If it is a clear day we will go to the beach if it is like it is today the get-together will be at CJ's house.

Well I guess that is it for today. God bless all of you and take care.

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Hello out there!!!! Tomorrow I have to take my wife's "tank" (Ford Expedition) to Ka'u Auto Repair to have some work done on it. I think I made mention of the fact that K.A.R. knows more about Fords than the dealer does. My wife bought the "Tank" in a display of defiance on 9/11/01.

It looks like things are picking up at our volcano. Tremor is up, tephra production is up, a webcam above the vent recorded glow last night. It looks like the lava lake under the floor of the crater is rising. We shall see what we shall see.

Last night I was thinking that maybe I should do this in the evening before I go to bed rather than in the morning. What do you think?

Tomorrow is CJ's 3rd birthday. We will be having a family gathering (both sides) at the beach on Saturday. Just going to throw stuff on the hibachi. If it rains than we will be in the garage here. It really will not be anything special.

My daughter has not been assigned her internship yet. Because of the economy most of the places that would hire IT people have put a hold on new hires.

Take care and may God bless.

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Aloha and best wishes from glorious Hawaii!!!! I am here in Hilo with my grandson today. It is cloudy and quite pleasant. God's country was a balmy 50 degrees this morning. This morning the house next door had 3 cars in the mud that passes as a driveway. They need to scrape the mud off and lay a bed of gravel.

The vent in Halema'uma'u is getting hotter and is producing more tephra. Still no glow at night but if the trend continues we just might get a show. The hole in the floor of the crater is getting larger. Tremor is up slightly, but RB2S2BL quakes are still within background levels. SO2 has not been measured since the 13th so levels are just an educated guess.

I read an interesting story yesterday about the home town of President Obama's father. The people there expect him (Obama) to rescue them by building schools, clinics, and roads and to send them food. The tradition there is that that is what one does for their relatives when one gets into a position of power. I am afraid that the expectations of this nation and the rest of the world are so high that no matter what happens there will be great disappointment. It should be noted that the Great Depression ended because of WW2, and the war goods that the US sent to Europe.

Take care of each other and may God bless each and every one of you and may God bless America.

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

A New Era!

Aloha: A new era dawned in the United States today. Obama is now President of the United States!! As I told my daughter this morning, her son will never live in a world where a person of color can not be the President!!! It brought to mind what my mom told me of her life, from the first air travel to a man on the moon. The only constant in this world is change.

Unfortunately not much change at our volcano. I guess if you look at it on a daily basis not much happens. Then all of a sudden all h*** breaks lose. Let us all pray that when it happens Kilauea lives up to its reputation as being a "gentle" giant.

It was a bit chilly in God's country this morning. Would you believe 39 degrees. the house next door has some visitors. They left before us this morning. I do not know if they will be there for a short time or not. The house is usually used as a vacation home for a family that lives in Honolulu. The longest anyone has stayed there has been about 3 weeks and that was last year. This time new bedding and such was brought in. The ground is so wet that their driveway is now a river of mud.

I am here in Hilo sitting CJ today. My daughter has school today. This is her last semester. She hopes to get an internship that will lead to a nice job.

May God bless all of you and may he bless our new President. Take care of each other.

Monday, January 19, 2009

Aloha: Have you ever googled your name? Try misspelling it and see what happens. I did that by accident spelling Elemakule as Elemakulo and lo and behold I had done it before and found a pearl of wisdom I had written.

Halema'uma'u update; SOS. The Kalapana earthquake from a few days ago was downgraded from 4.0 to 3.9. Not much else happening at Kilauea. Trades are back so the air quality is a lot better.

It was 42 this morning in God's country. Clear nights make for cold mornings. CJ's mom and dad picked him up last night and when they started to leave he made sure he was going to go with them. Did I make mention that he will be 3 in a few days.

Have not heard from either of my sisters in awhile. God bless you all and take care.

Sunday, January 18, 2009

Aloha no ia kakou. It is a beautiful day here in God's country. It is 10a and the temp outside is a brisk 48, up 4 from this morning. Inside it is 56. Light trades have returned so the air is a lot cleaner that it has been for the last few days.

FYI; The lowest gas price in Hilo is 2.369/gal, average is 3.399. I see the lowest in the nation is 1.099/gal in Wheatland WY.

Halema'uma'u update, SOS. RB2S2BL quakes are below background levels. SO2 has not been measured for the last 5 days or so. Tephra not being produced. tremor is up but still within background range. I checked the spelling of tephra and I am right, spellcheck still does not like it.

CJ spent the night. He was happy till he realized mom and dad were not coming to get him at bedtime. He kept asking for daddy and cried for about 5 minutes before he went to sleep. Got up all bright eyed and full of energy this morning. Why is it, I eat the same kind of food and I do not get that kind of energy from the food. It is unreal how much energy they have.

Now how about a word of the day. Supercilious: having or showing arrogant superiority to, and disdain of, those one views as unworthy. Hey, spellcheck does not like the word of the day.

God bless all of you.

Saturday, January 17, 2009

Aloha no: Maybe I should change the title of this blog as the volcano is not doing much rumbling. My stomach seem to do more rumbling.

Happy Birthday Burida!!!!! Today is his big day. Tutuhine and I have CJ for the night so CJ's mom and dad can celebrate with him.

Have you ever wondered what goes on in the mind of a child. I remember telling my young ones to remember what they are thinking so that they could tell me when their language skills arrive. Now when I ask they have no idea what I am talking about.

Things at Halema'uma'u are SOS, although there was a 4.0 quake off Kalapana this morning. We did not feel it but it was felt in North Kona. Air quality at the visitor center was the worst it has been in a long time yesterday from about 10 to 2. Right now there is a light mist falling and the air is voggy.

I got some paperwork for Medicare. If this is any example of what we can expect with government health care may God help us all!!!!!

May God bless and keep all of you gently in the palm of his right hand. Be good to each other.

Time of post 3:05p

Friday, January 16, 2009

Aloha a nui loa. Today I am "off". It is a bright sunny day here in God's country. I was going to go for my walk but the air quality is poor due to vog. We really need the trades to come back.

The volcano report is SOS. The park is open, tremor and earthquakes are at background levels. No tephra is being produced. The temputure on the porch is just at 50. I am guessing that it will get all the way to 65 today.

It has been wet and foggy up here the last few days and so today is bright and sunny. the humidity is so high that the house is really "sweating" Water is running down the windows and walls (outside). It is an unusual sight. I hope to be able to walk to the PO today. (Talk about a disconnect.)

Just did a spell check and tephra was highlighted. I will have to check on my spelling of that word as the spellchecker did not give me another option.

God bless you all and be good.

PS: I posted this and checked the time stamp and it was wrong. I am now going to post this PS and it is 12:21p.

PPS: Edited this post at 8:32. Wonder what the time stamp will say now?

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Aloha: SOS today. Halema'uma'u is doing its thing at background levels except for SO2 emissions. Tremor, located earthquakes, and RB2S2BL quakes all at background levels. The Halema'uma'u webcam is fogged in. The satellite image shows that the plume is going towards the HVO visitor center again today. I did not see that they closed the park so am guessing that it is still open.

It is bright and sunny here in Hilo this morning, however it was rather voggy in Volcano when we left this morning. I sure wish the trades would return. Have I mentioned that the vog has killed all of my wife's vegetable plants? Tomato, eggplant, spinach, beans and whatever else she had all gone. "Make" die dead!!!! Kana's eggplants are doing great here in Hilo.

Spell check does not like webcam but will allow popinjay.

God bless all of you and do take care of each other.

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Aloha no: It is another glorious day in paradise. Up in God's country it was clear and 48 degrees. Vog is still a problem as the wind is blowing the plume toward the HVO visitor center. If this continues the park may just close, including the Volcano House. They did it before and will do it again.

Volcano update, SOS (Same Old Stuff). RB2S2BL quakes are at background levels. Tremor still elevated but not as high as yesterday. SO2 (sulfur dioxide) rate is high, 1000 tonnes a day, normal is 140. It is the SO2 gas, along with the H2S (hydrogen sulfide) and H2O (water vapor) that makes vog so bad for you. At some point it is like breathing sulfuric acid mist. Not so good for you.

CJ is still in bed, Topher has gone to work, as has Kana, so here I am waiting for my mo'opuna to get up so I can start to do my job.

I had a, for lack on a better word, funny thing happen yesterday. I got in touch with my brother who does a lot of work with the SSA to find out when I should apply for my medicare card. When I got home there in the mailbox is my medicare card with the start date. Maybe I should inquire about my million dollar prize from wherever. Now my wife and I will have to figure out what kind of secondary plan I will need as I have been told that I may need knee replacement surgery in the future. There was a lot of reading material with the card so I guess we know what we will be doing this weekend.

No news is good news so I am assuming that those I have not heard from are all healthy and doing there own thing. Take care of yourselves and each other and may God bless you all.

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Aloha kakahiaka ia kakou: Well here it is another beautiful day in paradise. The wind is blowing the "wrong" direction so the village is voggy this morning. I am down in Hilo and it is thick here also. I expect the news out of Honolulu will shortly be about the vog on O'ahu.

On a previous post I said that to be located an earthquake had to be recorded on 3 seismometers. Auwe, another error, it is 4 seismometers. The park designates smaller quakes as, are you ready, RB2S2BL (Recorded But Too Small To Be Located). I guess the guy (or gal) that made that up must be into texting. Tremor is still elevated, but RB2S2BL is at background levels.

Have not heard from either of my sisters in a while. Have not heard from my younger brother either for that matter. Other then that, those who have "checked in" are all well and kicking.

Hope to hear from someone soon. Take care and God bless.

PS. Just did a spell check. Old words like "codswallop" the spell checker likes but does not like "texting". Weird.

Monday, January 12, 2009

Aloha kakou: It is a very pleasant day here in Hilo today. The temperature in Volcano this morning was 48. I did not check what it was in the house but it usually is about 10 degrees warmer. The air quality was poor as the trades are not blowing. It was clear, except for vog, when we left this morning.

Tremor is elevated at Halema'uma'u. Earthquakes too small to be located are above background levels (50 to 150 per day). As lava moves underground friction causes tremor and inflation, like breathing in and out causes inflation and deflation of your chest. That is called a DI event and we usually have one a day, like the earth is breathing. Total located earthquakes are down.

I made pancakes and bacon for CJ this morning. Kana and I ate most of the goodies but CJ did seem to enjoy what he ate. "I can not believe it!" he will be 3 in a few days.

Everything on this end of our world is fine. Be good to each other and may God bless and keep all of you safe and sound.

Sunday, January 11, 2009

Auwe no ho'i. I made a boo-boo. I credited the Inca with the calendar that ends on December 21, 2012. It is the Mayan calendar. E kalamai i'au. I also noticed that in my comparisons of Kilauea and Yellowstone earthquakes there is an error in data. On Kilauea an earthquake must be strong enough to be located on three seismographs. That means that only quakes of 1.6 or greater are recorded. Not so in Yellowstone. I have seen recorded quakes of 0.1. Makes me now feel better about what is happening.

When we woke up this morning the sun was shinning and the birds were singing. However by the time we finished breakfast the clouds had moved in and the temperature is 56 degrees. I should have gone for a walk before breakfast.

I hope my dear readers do not find this blog jejune. I guess that last sentence was a left handed (no offence intended) search for compliments.

I got a weird e-mail from a grand-niece sent to an old e-mail address. Something about a catalog for electronic gear. I e-mailed her and it seems that somehow she was hacked and her address book was compromised. My daughter had a bug in her computer that made it unusable. She had to erase her entire hard drive and Dell sent her new disks to reload everything. They remotely accessed her computer to finish the job and charged her nothing. I have now bought a total of 5 computers from Dell and am very satisfied with there products and service. End of commercial.

Be good to each other and may God bless and keep you all.

Saturday, January 10, 2009

Greetings and salutations from God's country. It is a wet day up here. The plume is blowing towards Kilauea Iki which is the area where I walk when I have the chance. Not too much shaking going on.

Nabru made mention of the snow here in Hawaii and I was reminded of something I forgot to write about. On December 30, 2008 my daughter and her other half, Topher, and 3 other friends went holoholo up Mauna Loa to the solar observatory and came back with a truck load of snow. My grandson had a ball throwing snow from the truck at everybody and everything, including himself. Soon the five snow hunters, grandma, papa, auntie and uncle, Burida, were in the action. Needless to say a ball was had by all.

I will close for now so I do not turn into a popinjay and this blog turns into codswallop. May God bless and keep all of you and take care of each other.

Friday, January 9, 2009

Aloha to all my faithful readers. I am here in Hilo today. It is a clear and beautiful day. Both Mauna Kea and Mauna Loa are covered with snow. Laurine and I are going to go to the top of the strip road to see if the snow is low enough to get into. Does that make sense?

Halema'uma'u is doing its thing and so are the earthquakes. Did not get a chance to check on Yellowstone today. Not much else is going on so will close. God bless and be good to each other.

Thursday, January 8, 2009

Aloha: Time sure flies. I can remember when the National Park had signs all over the place that said "This is a mission 66 project.". The 66 refereed to 1966, the year that the project was to be finished. I thought I would never live to see the day. Now it is 2009. Boy, I am getting old. My dad, who loved to take the whole family for rides all over this island, unfortunately, did not make it as he died before 1966. Auwe, I am getting morose.

Today I am at home and the weather just is not helping me with my walking plans. It is another wet day in God's country. I guess if you want green you have to put up with what it takes to make it green. I checked the earthquake site and it listed 70+ quakes for the last 2 weeks. Checked the Yellowstone earthquake site and they had over 150 in the last week. I hope all my relations east of the Rockies are keeping an eye on Yellowstone. Mayhaps Yellowstone is the reason the Inca calendar ends on December 21, 2012. Now I am getting morose again.

Halema'uma'u is just doing its thing. As long as she is smoking and fuming a large section of the park is closed. There is a section off the chain of craters road I really want to explore but it is now in the closed off portion of the park.

I really should carry a note book with me so I can jot down ideas of what I want to write about when the idea strikes. I think I should close for today before this turns completely into codswallop.

Take care and may God bless you all.

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Aloha kakou!! Well I see that Nabru Ohlavrac was able to comment on my blog. Welcome to Volcano Rumblings Nabru!!! I now know that I have at least 3 readers. Those of you who do not want to give your name can click on the anonymous button.

I remembered to check the HVO sites this time and it look like nothing very interesting is happening at "our" volcano. It seems that rockfalls are filling in the new vent so just steam and other gases escape, no tephra. Earthquakes are down and tremor is just above background levels.

When we left "God country" this morning it was misty and a little cold. We had rain on the way down to Hilo, but it is nice in Hilo. My mo'opuna is a lot of fun to watch and play with. Boy does he like his race cars. At last count about 35 of them.

I guess it is time to stop bloviating and close. God bless you all and take care.

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Little Christmas

Aloha kakou. Well today is Little Christmas and the end of the season. Today is going to be a beautiful day. It was cloudy and misty at 6:30a so did not go for my walk in the park. However by 8a it was nice and clear so I took my short walk to the PO and back. I do not like to walk after 9:30 as it does get hot. I rather walk when it is cool and the air is crisp and clean.

It is about 9a now and I see it is 50 degrees on my porch. I have not been able to check the HVO websites for the eruption updates yet. I guess it the "old timers" kicking in. I try to get the info before I log in to this site but, auwe, I forget.

Be good to each other, take care and may God bless each and every one of you!

Monday, January 5, 2009

Today is the 11th day of Christmas.Tomorrow is, of course, the 12th day and is also the anniversary of my mom's (grandma) death. January 6th is called Little Christmas in most of the world. Between December 25th and January 5th is when gifts and exchanged, then are opened on January 6th.

It has always been a mystery to me why the retail industry has not jumped on this fact to prolong the Christmas buying season for an additional 12 days.

I am here in Hilo today so do not know what the weather is like in Volcano. I think it is safe to say that it is wet and that Halema'uma'u is doing its thing. Hilo is having sun and showers. We call it liquid sunshine. Makes for some fun humidity, like above 90%.

God bless!!

Sunday, January 4, 2009

Well, here it is, the 10th day of Christmas, the beginning of a new week and it is a cold, wet day up here in God's country. I go back to babysitting on Monday and life is good.

Our volcano is doing its thing and like I said before, just because I have nothing to say does not mean I will not talk, but I think I will make an exception this time.

God bless all of you and take care.

Saturday, January 3, 2009

Aloha no: Auwe, it is another wet day up here in God's country. The sun is trying to get through but I thing it will be a losing battle.

I am having trouble with my wireless connection. My wife, she is my IT person, had to hard wire the roadrunner to the computer. Since the cable connection is in the other part of the house the cable has to run the length of the house and is a tripping hazard.

Our volcano is doing its thing, earthquakes, vog, tremor and such. The doves are driving our big dog crazy, stealing his food. They move a lot faster then he does and just have to fly to the railing to get away. We end up having to wash the pooh off the railing every day. Auwe no hoi!!!!

May God bless and keep you all. Take care of each other and be good. Aloha no.

Friday, January 2, 2009

Aloha: The balls were hitting the pins again last night. Not as bad as the other night, but enough to keep us awake. Yesterday Lani and Richie came up for New Years dinner. Richie is very handy with cars that do not work and was able to get the old "white girl" to run. It really needs to have a tune-up and lube service. I think I will have to take it to Ka'u Auto Repair as they seem to know more about Fords than the dealer. Jim is fantastic!!!!

Today is a wet day, the temperature is 59 and the volcano is still doing its thing. The vog yesterday was bad, but the trades are blowing the plume to the southeast this morning. We are having the normal amount of earthquakes and tremor. Sure wish I could go for my walk. I want to resume my diet but sitting here at home the food is just too handy.

You all be good to each other and may God bless.

Thursday, January 1, 2009

Hauoli Makahiki Hou
I wanted only the heading to be centered, but either I don't know how or the program will not allow me to do that. We had a very quiet New Years up here in Volcano. I did not hear any fireworks. But then my hearing is not all it used to be. "Some people" want me to get hearing aids but I really do not know anyone who is happy with theirs. My mom, brother, and two sisters all have aids and do not seem happy. The aids make all sounds loud except what you really want to hear. My mom spent thousands of dollars on her aids and "auwe" still was not happy. How did I here from wishing you all a very Happy New Year!!!!