Saturday, January 10, 2009

Greetings and salutations from God's country. It is a wet day up here. The plume is blowing towards Kilauea Iki which is the area where I walk when I have the chance. Not too much shaking going on.

Nabru made mention of the snow here in Hawaii and I was reminded of something I forgot to write about. On December 30, 2008 my daughter and her other half, Topher, and 3 other friends went holoholo up Mauna Loa to the solar observatory and came back with a truck load of snow. My grandson had a ball throwing snow from the truck at everybody and everything, including himself. Soon the five snow hunters, grandma, papa, auntie and uncle, Burida, were in the action. Needless to say a ball was had by all.

I will close for now so I do not turn into a popinjay and this blog turns into codswallop. May God bless and keep all of you and take care of each other.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

There you go with that dang codswallop again - AND you pop in with a "popinjay" or somesuch. You must have a very interesting dictionary! Glad to see everyone had a good time with the snow. At least you can leave it and not have to shovel it to get to the mailbox. Are there any pictures?