Monday, January 12, 2009

Aloha kakou: It is a very pleasant day here in Hilo today. The temperature in Volcano this morning was 48. I did not check what it was in the house but it usually is about 10 degrees warmer. The air quality was poor as the trades are not blowing. It was clear, except for vog, when we left this morning.

Tremor is elevated at Halema'uma'u. Earthquakes too small to be located are above background levels (50 to 150 per day). As lava moves underground friction causes tremor and inflation, like breathing in and out causes inflation and deflation of your chest. That is called a DI event and we usually have one a day, like the earth is breathing. Total located earthquakes are down.

I made pancakes and bacon for CJ this morning. Kana and I ate most of the goodies but CJ did seem to enjoy what he ate. "I can not believe it!" he will be 3 in a few days.

Everything on this end of our world is fine. Be good to each other and may God bless and keep all of you safe and sound.

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