Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Aloha kakahiaka ia 'okou. Well my wish did not come true. It was raining this morning at 7a so I did not go for my walk. I think I will have to get some good rain gear so I will be able to meander in the rain. The owner of "Apapane Lodge" must be off for the week as her car has been in the driveway of her house for the last few days.

As I said it is wet in volcano today. Right now it is 51 on the "sunny" side of the house. I do not expect it to get past 55 today. The Halema'uma'u vent is producing more tephra and noise, but other than that all is SOS.

I am thinking of starting another blog. I have been told not to get into religion, politics,or anything on the news in this blog. Whenever I sit down to write something I will have the news on and something will be being discussed and auwe......They just had Phil Donahue on and that man does not even register on the stupid scale!!! Why is it that these Hollywood people seem to think that just because they are famous they know all about everything.

Hey, the sun has broken through so I will close. God bless all of you and take care.


Anonymous said...

I think that sometimes such topics can be so controvesial that they have the potential to create negativity where negativity does not need to be...
You could maybe start a separate blog that does not allow comments (because that would be throwing dynamite into the inferno) and title it, "Rumblings and rantings from Volcano" instead of Volcano Rumblings... lol.

hokusushi said...

I don't think you should make a new blog reguarding politics or anything of that sort. Whenever your here watching the news you always get so mad, fast! So, in actuality I feel that you shouldn't watch the news at all. :) Save us all the hysterics. :P I prefer you HAPPY, not upset! :)