Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Aloha: It is a glorious, beautiful, fantastic day here in Volcano Village. The sky is blue and clear. The air is crisp, cool and clean. (Air update: CCC) Hey, what would be the difference between crisp and cool? I got up a little too late to do my long walk into the National Park, but I will go to the Post Office later and will take the long way.

Nabru is writing the story of his life and has sent us excerpts. Some stories are tear jerkers, others are funny and all are good reading. Keep up the good work.

The volcano update is SOS. The RB2S2BL quakes are higher today than yesterday, "but less today than tomorrow". I think that was a song. The website says the quakes are still within "background" levels. If they go higher every day just how large is the "background".

My wife's class did not go too well last night. The students did real well on the written test, but when it came to "practical factors" all chocking children and heart attack victims died. Auwe. I hope they do better tonight. This is a class to teach instructors. Tonight is supposed to be "teach backs", where the students teach the class and are graded. I hope they do well because if they do not that means school will be on for Friday.

Take care and may God bless.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Have you read my blog lately? Ive been posting to it since the last time that you've grumbled, and I have a feeling that you havent even checked it!!! Go look, I post things just for you cause I think you may be my only reader... =) Talk to you soon!