Thursday, March 5, 2009

Aloha kakahiaka ia kakou: In Hawaiian when you have the letter combination "ia" it is not pronounced "eah" but rather "eyah". It is called the "y" glide. You can see the combination in the words "kakahiaka" and "ia". End of monthly Hawaiian lesson.

It is a cool (50), dark and wet day up here in Volcano. About 5 years ago a lot two lots down from ours was cleared and a septic system was put in. The owners then found out that he could not afford to build, so he sold the lot for way too much "kala". The new owner has now recleared the lot and now I hear noise that sound like they are delivering something over there. When they leave I will get "niele" and go take a look. I just did a spell check and am told that "recleared" should be written "re cleared". What???

There has been no real change in the current eruption of Kilauea. Earthquakes, tremor, tephra, and SO2 are all SOS.

Tomorrow I will have to go down to Hilo for blood tests. I have a doctor's appointment next week to get chewed out for gaining back some of the weight I lost last year. Auwe!!

God bless and take care.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

So what? Did you go look??? Do tell!