Sunday, February 15, 2009

Bavarian Cream

Aloha from the land of Pele. Wow! I got some action from the last post. There seems to be some question about the "long johns". A "long john" is a pastry. It is basically a doughnut that is not round, but straight. Alter it is cooked it is filled with Bavarian cream. Costco sells the cream in 5 gallon buckets. I was making a joke in the last post. We did not get a bucket of Bavarian cream. I will not comment on the suggestion from Manuel as I expect that my daughters will be reading this.

The volcano update is SOS.

I guess that CJ and/or Anakam and/or Topher want to see the turtles at Punalu'u as I just got a call that they were on their way up the hill. I hope the ocean is not as rough today as it was yesterday. If it is there is no way anyone will be able to go swimming.

It is now noon and the temperature has gotten all the way up to 54. The sun is poking its way through the clouds so it just may be a nice afternoon.

You all take care of yourselves and may God bless us all.