Saturday, February 21, 2009

Aloha: It is, again, a true volcano day up here. At 11a it has gotten all the way up to 53 degrees. Cloudy bright, no rain by the humidity is high. Sounds like song lyrics. Like out of "Porgy and Bess".

Lets get the boring out of the way. Volcano update, SOS.

My daughter, Anakam (Ah-nah-come), called and I will be sitting this next week. I had to e-mail Na'alehu and tell them I will not be coming out this week. My wife's birthday and our anniversary are/is coming up. (Should I use the plural or singular verb there)?

The other night Anakam got home from work and read somewhere that 5 people in the State of Hawaii had gotten sick from the peanut recall. She called me up, after my wife and I had gone to bed, to tell me not to eat the peanut butter. She called again about 10 minutes later to read me the list of recalled items. Her mother and I thought that that was very sweet of her but it is not peanut butter that was recalled but items made with a peanut paste made by a certain company. I do not think that the powers that be will ever be able to find all of the paste. It would have been bought and sold many times over all over the place and some of it will not be used for another year. As a side note: The people who ran the plant in China that made the bad baby formula were arrested, tried, found guilty and sentenced to death. That is one way to deal with people who deliberately disregard health and safety codes.

Got my electric bill yesterday and it appears that the meter was read incorrectly last month. Last month was the first full month with the new water heater so I was a little worried. The bill went from, December $142, January $196, and now February $136.

And you all thought the volcano updates were boring. God love you all and be good to each other.


hokusushi said...

i also called the other daughter too. I care about my 'ohana.

because, I HEART YOU GUYS!! :)

Anonymous said...

I dont know why, but our electric bill averages at $200 per month... I think it could be the dryer. Especially since its been raining alot lately, we havent been able to hang our clothes. Plus since we work M-F most times we're forced to do laundry at night... oh well it definately beats doing laundry at the laundry mat!