Friday, February 20, 2009

Aloha: I just got back from Na'alehu. Hot dogs were on special so I got a number of packages. Got some for my daughters and some for us. I did not take our car, but, rather had the van pick me up. The girl that drives does not talk and when asked a question gives a one word answer. I get about half an hours sleep going and coming.

The volcano is doing its thing. The only thing up is the SO2. It was measured at 1,300 tonnes per day. Background level is about 170. Other than that the report is SOS.

So far I have not heard if I am sitting next week. If not I will be going out to Na'alehu one day next week to do paperwork. Since I designed the system that is used out there, just Excel spreadsheets, it goes quite fast.

It is cloudy and cool in volcano today. It is almost 3p and 50 degrees outside. It was unusually cold at Na'alehu. I was told it was cool this past summer and cold this winter. Did you know, the highest recorded temperature in the state of Hawaii was at Pahala? Pahala is just up the road from Na'alehu. Oh, the recorded temperature was 100 degrees.

I guess that its for today. God bless and take care.


hokusushi said...

Yummy. I've been wanting to eat hot dogs. That makes me think of that dog hot dog hot diggity dog. Do you know where that's from?

Anonymous said...

It is none other than the "Hot Dog Dance" from "Mickey Mouse Playhuse".