Sunday, April 26, 2009

Webcam info.

Aloha: The part in red is "lifted" off the HVO website. I included it so if any of my readers want they will have the web address where they can go to see the view from any or all of the webcams. Ready, set, here we go. Past 24 hours at Kilauea summit: For the second consecutive night, glow from the summit vent was very weak (as recorded by a webcam directly over the vent - see our new "Webcams" link at for that and other live camera views of Kilauea and Mauna Loa). How about that, I am always surprised when it works! The volcano report is the basic SOS.

This morning was bright and sunny, temperature about 55, but a little voggy. It is now 10a and it has gotten cloudy. If it is the same tomorrow I will be able to go for a walk.

We had a pleasant evening at my daughter's house for her "candle" party. As always too much food. Wow, the sun just broke through the clouds. It is a bright and sunny day again.

As I said in another post, Topher is off this week so I will be writing this from glorious Volcano village. I will get to sleep past 5:30 a, go for my walk and write my blog. I just might think up a pearl of wisdom or two.

God bless and take care of each other.


kaiulani said...

You likey the candles dont you????

Coconut Girl Connie said...

Candle party, I haven't been to one since I left Oahu, I love candles...