Tuesday, April 14, 2009


Aloha: My wife and I will be going to the other side of the island this afternoon. I do not like to write on a laptop so I may not post anything while I am there. I guess that means that all of you will have a vacation from me for a few days. The reason I do not like to type on a laptop is that my thumb keeps hitting the dohickey (mousepad?) and the machine does things I do not understand. I will look at the screen and "what in the world"??? Where did that come from?

It was a wet and cold day in the village this morning. At 6a the temperature was 54 and looked like it would not go much higher. The Halema'uma'u webcam reveled the summit to be obscured by fog. The report on the worlds most active volcano, Kilauea, is that there has been no change from yesterday. The webcam on our "Great Mountain" showed that the snow, that had covered the floor of Moku'aweoweo, was slowly melting. Quite a lot of words to just to say SOS.

Tomorrow I will visit my sister, who lives on the other side of the island, for the day. It was at her house that I first saw the "gold dust day gecko". When I was at Cam Rahn Bay we had, I think, monitor lizards living in the sand bank above the beach. The largest was about 3 feet long and was quite pretty.

God bless and I will be back on Saturday. Be good to each other.

1 comment:

kaiulani said...

I must admit, I will be sad not to have anything to read for a few days. I think I have grown quite addicted to your posts.