Wednesday, April 15, 2009


Aloha: Just a short note. We are here in Waikoloa and I just got back from a visit with my sister and her husband. They are fixing the windows on the windward side of the house and the windows look good. They are double paned so when closed the room is very quite, no wind noise.

I am using my wife's laptop and do not have my list of favorites so was not able to check the volcano websites. I hope all is well with our volcanoes.

Hope this finds you all well and may God bless.

PS....S(ituation) N(ormal) A(ll) F(screwed) U(p).

1 comment:

kaiulani said...

In my last blog you posted a comment stating "Poor Martha". I would like to object. Shes quite happy living like a dog. She doesnt even pee when I make her excited!