Sunday, November 29, 2009

Last Sunday of November

Aloha: Boy does time fly. This is the last Sunday of November and Christmas is just around the corner. Soon it will be 2010. Today seems like it is winter here in God's country. The sun was shining for a few hours this afternoon but now at 4:17p it is 60 on the sunny side of the house and it has not gotten any higher all day.

The volcano report is SOS with the exception of the RB2S2BL quakes, which the number of have increased to above background levels. (Does that make sense?) I am OK with that as long as they remain 2Small2Be felt! The weather has been great and we had only 0.65 inches of rain for the week.

We are still eating leftovers from Thanksgiving. I told you we had too much food. Nabru has returned to P'Cola and reports that a great time was had by all (as usual) in Missouri. Same on this end.

Today was a "kick back" day and as little as possible got done. Just my kind of day. Tomorrow I will be sitting, not back, but with my mo'opuna. "The return of the "Tickle Monster". Wow, he will be 4 in January. Where does the time go? God love you all and please take care.

1 comment:

hokusushi said...

Yes.....very depressing! My baby will be 4 years old. :(. Think it's time for another one! ;)