Thursday, November 19, 2009

I want that job.

Aloha: I have been watching the news about jobs created in congressional districts that do not exist. I found this little tidbit; (in red) Four Hawaii Phantom Districts Receive $45,639,408 in Stimulus Funds for 3.4 Jobs. States across the country reporting similar findings on federal transparency web site. Malia Zimmerman $45 million for 3 jobs.....I want one!!!!! I can guarantee that I can stir up some economic activity with a job that pays $15 million. I might even let some of the teachers back into the classroom.

My mo'opuna has trouble keeping solid food where it belongs, so I kept him out of school today and the doctor (called) said to give him clear liquids and he should be all OK. Some kind of stomach bug going around.

I ordered some flannel sheets and I thought they would be here by now. Talked to the "boss" at the PO and he laughed at the thought that they would be here in 10 days. He said lucky if 3 weeks, maybe 4.

I guess that's it for today. God bless and keep all of you safe.

1 comment:

kaiulani said...

Its no wonder that the PO isnt doing so well. With service like that no one's going to use USPS anymore. Personally I have everything FedEx'd to my house. Shipping charges courtesy of the shipper of course. You get your stuff in 3 days max.