Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Hoax exposed!!!

Aloha: In the 70's I was one of those people who held a sign that said "The Next Ice Age Is Coming". I am still waiting. We are now asked to hold signs that say " Global Warming Will Destroy Us All". I am not going to wait for the Ice Age to get here (in about 5000 years) and I do not believe in man caused global warming. Fact: There were once glaciers in Hawaii. This planet was once much colder then it is now! Fact: There were once palm trees in Canada. This planet was once much hotter then it is now. Yes, the earth will get warmer in the future. We are in an inter-glacial period and the earth will continue to get warmer till such time that Canada will have palm trees again. Then the cycle will will repeat and Hawaii will have ice caps on its mountains. I do not intend to stick around to see these things come to pass.

That brings me to the subject of this post. The entire "man caused" global warming panic is based on 5 studies and now over 1000 emails have surfaced that show that all 5 studies are PHONY! Made up. Not real. This whole "man caused" global warming thing is a HOAX! The next question is why. There is big money is global warming. In 8 years Al Gore increased his net worth from less than 2 million to over 200 million today. It is also a way to deminish the power of the United States in the world. I wish I had the "gift of gab". I have so much in my head that I can not seem to be able to put in words without getting very angry and losing my train of thought.

Sorry for the rant. God bless you all and may He bless the United States.

1 comment:

kaiulani said...

So what happened to the volcano report?