Friday, November 27, 2009

History repeats.

Aloha: A belated HAPPY THANKSGIVING to all my loyal, and not so loyal, readers. I did not post yesterday as all my readers, that I know about, were not going to be near their computers to read my pearls of wisdom, so I just figured "what the heck".

Well, history has repeated itself again this year. We had too much to eat but tried to eat it all anyway. We all ended up more stuffed than the turkey. It was great. Now I will have to come up with some kind of excuse when I see the doctor on the 15th. I told him once that all mammals are genetically programed to store fat for the winter, but I do not think he bought it.

My wife had some excitement on her way to work this morning. A car entered the highway in front of her then started driving crazy. All over the highway, almost a head on, and finally ending up in the ditch. She pulled over and did her 911 thing and went to see if she could help. (She is a certified first responder) Much to her surprise the man got out of the car and had no major damage. His car was not as lucky. He will be hurting tomorrow.

I got a note asking about the volcano report. I stopped a few weeks ago to see if anybody noticed, (I am high maintenance blogger). Since somebody did notice you all will have to read about the volcano being SOS and that the weather is always great in "God's country".

I will have mercy on you and close now. God bless and take care.

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