Saturday, October 17, 2009

Touching base.

Aloha: Just a short post to touch base with all my faithful readers. The return plans for my wife are firming up. They have asked her to stay at least one more week but she has declined. She does have a job and is not really foot loose and fancy free. They will be flying back via Hawaiian Airlines. She will call me when she gets into Honolulu for me to pick her up. This will be on the 23/24 or 25th. I said firming up, not firm.

The weather now is beautiful. It had been volcano misting about an hour ago. The volcano report is SOS. The overlook webcam does show two glowing spots, one has been producing Pele's hair. Other than that, SOS. Don't forget, tomorrow I will have the rain gauge report. I know you all are waiting for that.

God bless, be good and take care.

1 comment:

hokusushi said...

Ya....MOMs coming back!! :)