Sunday, October 25, 2009

Sunday Update

Aloha: Well another week has come and gone. The older one gets the faster the world spins. I have found out that I am also getting taller. Either that or the faster spinning of the world is making it harder to bend down and pick up anything that I have dropped. It must be the centrifugal force. I know that you all are dying to know so I will not make you wait. The rainfall total for the week is 1.35 inches (+/- .025"). I have been told that the plus/minus thing makes it look more like I know what I am talking about.

Our volcano is continuing to shake and bake so all is SOS. The weather is beautiful. Just about all the rainfall happens at early (2/5a) morning. Right now it is bright and sunny, and 64 on the porch. A great day to be alive.

I sure would love to read some blogs. God bless and take care of each other.

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