Tuesday, October 27, 2009

In Hilo again

Aloha: The title says it all. I am in Hilo. I just picked up my mo'opuna and am now waiting for him mom and dad to come home. Today he "officially" learned something he has known for some time. And that is that red and yellow make orange. He had to paint a pumpkin at school today. He has been mixing colors on the "Curious George" website for some time now.

The volcano and the weather are "same o, same o". Well, that is it for today. Very exciting. God bless and take care.

1 comment:

kaiulani said...

Do you know what CJ said the other day? He told us that he wants to be a man like his daddy; tall, strong and big and with hair on his chin.
Then he went to the bathroom and came out asking us to smell him. You could smell him a mile away. He rubbed the mens speed stick all over his underarms and down the sides of his body. "Just like a man does" (thats what he said).
Kids are the best arent they?