Friday, May 1, 2009

What are they thinking????

Aloha: As most of you know I listen and "watch" the news as I check mail and do other things on the computer, including doing this blog. Well, Congress, in their infinite wisdom, is now in the process of debating whether or not we should have a national championships for college football. Hey, look at that, Obama just interrupted the press briefing to announce that Justice Suitter is stepping down.

When I got up this morning it looked like it was going to be a bad day for a walk. Now the sun is shinning. It is still below 60 outside. I hope to be able to go to the PO this afternoon.

The volcano is doing its thing. The excitement of two days ago has diminished. I have looked at the webcam over the vent and the pictures taken at night are very grainy. RB2S2BL quakes have returned to background levels. SO2 levels have not been updated since "tax day" because the plume is not blowing over the sensors. My feeling is that this is going to go on well after I am dead, not that I am planning on departing any time soon. The earth measures time on a very different scale then we do.

Tomorrow the wife and I will have to go into Hilo early to pick up breakfast from some sort of fundraiser. My wife gets tickets every year.

God bless and take care of each other.


E. Tutu said...

Aloha: I misspelled the name of the Justice that is stepping down. His name is Souter. E kala mai i'au.

kaiulani said...

Did you guys pick up an extra ticket for me??? lol...

hokusushi said...

Is it the breakfast that's at waikea school every year and if that's the case am I gonna get any?? :)

Anonymous said...

I like your blog.

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