Thursday, May 21, 2009

Got to get back in the habit.

Aloha: Just like yesterday I forgot to get busy and do my thing. I only got one bite from my "Speaker and CIA director" bait yesterday. Poor thing, I sent her a copy of Dick Morris's latest column for her to read. I was just wondering, after Obama shuts down Gitmo, where is he going to put all the new high value captives we will capture in his expanded war in Afghanistan and maybe even Pakistan? Do you think he will do the "Laurence of Arabia" thing? I hope not.

The winds are light today so the vog is quite noticeable. The Volcano is SOS again and the earthquakes are being nice.

Tomorrow we are all going to Kona for the long weekend. It will be quite interesting as no one is doing any planning. All in favor of just kicking back and letting what will be, be, just raise your hand. (Hard to type with one hand.) One thing I know for sure is that we will have a very good time; we always do.

That's it for today. Be good to each other and may God bless all of you.

1 comment:

Coconut Girl Connie said...

OH MY GOSH! You are too funny....."Take no prisoners!" My son was just telling me about his first Summer school English assignment, writing a paper on a high profile controversial subject in America. (he is taking a few courses before he goes off to boot camp in Georgia) He chose Gitmo...I need to tell him about Laurence..tanks ah!