Friday, May 29, 2009

Day 2

Aloha: Wow, another great day in Volcano! It is not as sunny as yesterday, but it is a glorious day here in "God's country".

To answer the comment on yesterday's post: Durning the run for the White House, Obama said that, if elected, anyone making less that $250,000 would not see their taxes go up. The tax on tobacco and proposed tax on beer and the "VAT" hits just that group of tax payers. Do not forget that the lowest 40% of wage earner in the United States, do not pay income taxes. The only way to get tax money from that group is to tax the items that they buy and use, hence tax tobacco, beer,soft drinks, and everything else with a "VAT".

As I said above, the weather is great! The volcano report is SOS.

I am still waiting for ideas for this blog. My brother, Manuel, has suggested that I take the rest of the year off, or limit my posting to once a month. I have these pearls of wisdom e-mailed to my siblings so he gets them whether he wants them or not. Lucky him. And the others.

That's it for today. God bless and be good to each other.

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