Friday, May 8, 2009

Rule of Law

Aloha: Here I am sitting at my computer trying to figure out just what the weather will be like in 10 minutes. Right now it is glorious but less than half an hour ago I thought it was going to be really wet. It is now 61 outside and about 10 degrees higher in the house.

Yesterday I asked a question about the "Rule of Law". Someone sent this in: Rule of Law: That individuals, persons and government shall submit to, obey and be regulated by law, and not arbitrary action by an individual or a group of individuals. I guess that makes sense. I guess in the old days if the king woke up on the wrong side of the bed strange things could happen.

Our volcano is just doing its thing. I noticed that in the Kilauea update from HVO, they will say something to the effect that 6 earthquakes were located under the summit, but when you check the earthquake site it does not show those earthquakes. I think that when the HVO, in their Kilauea update, states "located" they really mean "recorded". As in RB2S2BL quakes. (Recorded But 2 Small 2 Be Located)

It is still a sunny day so I think I will go for a short walk. I did not go to the PO yesterday so I think that is where I will go. God bless you all.

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