Sunday, May 3, 2009

Lazy Me

Aloha: When we got back from Hilo yesterday I was just too lazy to write about anything. The day was beautiful yesterday up here in God's country. How would I know if I was in Hilo most of the day, you may ask? Well, the temperature in the house when we got home was 80. That's right, 80 degrees! Inside the house is usually 10 degrees warmer then outside so on a sunny day it can get really hot in the house. It is about noon here in volcano on this beautiful Sunday, and it is 64 on the porch and 73 in the house. I hope it does not get any hotter this afternoon.

There has been no real change in our volcano for the last few days. It would be nice if the wind would pick up so that the air would clear up.

Tomorrow I have to go into Hilo to get new lenses put in my glasses. Next week Sunday the wife and I leave to go to Denver. I checked the weather in Denver and it looks like it is about the same as here in Volcano.

Topher will be off for the next few weeks so I will not have to worry about who will be watching CJ while we are away. We will be in Hilo on the 6th as Anakam will be getting an award for her work in school. I really do not know just what kind on job she will be doing when school is pau. She does enjoy what she is doing at Sears, and it seems that she does have a knack for retail sales, so.......

I guess I will close for today. Be good to each other and may God bless each and every one of you.

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