Saturday, May 9, 2009

Trip Update

Aloha: Just a short note to let all of you, my faithful readers, know that my wife and I will be leaving on our trip to Denver tomorrow. That means that all you lucky people will not have to put up with me, unless I get my wife's laptop running while in Denver.

I am sitting with my mo'opuna for a short time this morning because Topher has to go to a meeting and Anakam had to go to work. As a consequences of this, I do not have to wash clothes. Talk about luck! When my wife is pau with the clothes and Topher is done with his meeting, the wife and I will have to do some last minute running around for the trip. The fun just never stops!

God bless and be good to each other.

1 comment:

Coconut Girl Connie said...

God bless and watch over both of you, have a wonderful trip and a hui hou!