Thursday, December 3, 2009

Kona weather

Aloha: We are having Kona weather in Hilo today. What that means is that Hilo is getting the vog and Kona is not. This happens when the winds are from the South. I had noticed yesterday afternoon that the sun was yellow-orange which is a sign that the sun is shining through the fume cloud. We usually do not get rain during times of "Kona" weather, just funny looking air.

Anthropogenic climate change: To make a long story short, it looks like an inside job, sorry Senator Boxer. The emails had been moved to a public server as part of a "freedom of information act" suit and into the public domain. This may just cost Al Gore billions of dollars over the next 10/15 years. Who knows, he n=might not be able to pay his $17,000 monthly electric bill not to mention his $8,000 monthly natural gas bill. Is it just me or do others think he is not a true believer. As a side note I was at the UH in the early 70's and there were professors there in the natural sciences who looked at the "next ice age" signs and took great pains to try to explain that the only constant in the weather is change and that it will go up and down (temps) until it peaks out and then back sown to the next "Ice Age". I find it quite amusing that in our anthropocentric belief we think we are so powerful that all that is wrong in the world is mankind's fault. Believe it on not, we are no greater than, or less than any other creature on this planet. We have a right to be here!

The volcano is doing its thing and just chugging along. In my opinion we will have a collapse of part of the rim in a short time, geologically speaking. All is SOS.

That's it for today. God bless and take care.


kaiulani said...

Sad news: Puppy went to the pound. =(

hokusushi said...

what?! What happened? Why did puppy go to the pound?