Monday, December 14, 2009

I got another one!

Aloha: Boy was I surprised this morning when I saw that I have a new follower. I clicked on the link and there were quite a few links to different blogs. I really do not know which one to read. I have no idea who he/she is and will have to spend some time going through the different links to see what is what. Looks like I will have some work to do.

Hey, Glen Beck just came on and he is in rare form. As I watch and listen to both sides, donkey/elephant, right/left.....I have come to realize that for some reason it is the right/elephant that seem to have a sense of humor. Donkey/left are all gloom and doom and everything is a crisis. "We can not let a good crisis go to waste." That is a quote from Obama's chief of staff, Rahm.

The weather in Volcano was great this morning. We could use a little more wind to blow the vog to Kona. Hey, better them than us. Our volcano is huffing and puffing and doing its thing. SOS. Not so much shaking, thank God.

I guess I will go to my new follower's blogs and do some reading. God bless and be good to each other.

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