Wednesday, December 23, 2009

"Junk" silver.

Aloha: Well, Christmas is almost here and I have not done any shopping, and believe it or not, I do not intend to do any. Christmas is just a reason to sell junk that will be discarded by January 1st. I guess that is what makes the economy hum but I think it would be better if the selling was spread out throughout the year. It looks like I will have to get with the program next year as my mo'opuna will be 4. That is the age when children understand just what is going to happen and kinda know how to make adults feel guilty.

I am thinking of investing in "junk" silver. It is not really "junk", but rather bags of pre 64 silver coins. The coins are 90% silver and are sold for their "melt" value. I read about a store that will redeem the coins for their "melt" value then you can use the "money" you get in the store. When I was a child you could buy a loaf of bread with a quarter. The dollars you get with a silver quarter today is enough to buy a loaf of bread. The silver has not lost it's value and the bread has not lost it's value. It is the dollar that has lost it's value. What my father was able to do on his small salary in the 40's and 50's it now takes two people working full time jobs and somehow we think we have gotten ahead. Auwe!!!

It was cold in Volcano this morning. It was back down to 44 after being in the high 40's for the week. It was nice and clear, with the mountains in clear view. The snow has all melted. It looks like we will not have a "white" Christmas this year. We will be at Anakam & Topher's house. It will be the same gang as Thanksgiving with two exceptions; Manuel will be here and Hawi sister and her husband will not. I wonder where Kansas Vovo will be for Christmas?

Our volcano is SOS. May God bless and keep you all in the palm of his right hand.

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