Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Today, 8.26.09

Aloha: As you can see I have no idea what to title today's blog. When I first started this I would just leave the title blank. For some reason I now feel I have to put something up there.

Yesterday was a bad day for CJ. Auwe!!!! The teacher had to send a "nasty-gram" home. He is just 3 years old and does not really understand that there are consequences to actions. Pretty heavy concept for a 3 year old. I know quite a few adults who have not yet grasped that concept.

Today school gets out early. Here in Hawaii Wednesday is a short day for school for the students. The teachers have a full day but on Wednesday the last period is for things like teachers meeting, class preparation, and such. At 1p I have to rush to pick up Anakam then run to the school to get CJ before 1:30. If I am late I will have to pay the school $15 for after school care for as little as 1 minute late. Of course I could leave him till 5p, but then I will lose out on "papa" time. I am not about to give up my time!!!!

Right now the news channels are going on about Kennedy. I usually did not agree with him but the man was able to work with those who disagreed with him. Enough said.

It looked like it was going to be a nice day in "God's country". The volcano report is SOS. I copied this off the HVO website. The Halema`uma`u Overlook vent continues to glow at night, with an incandescent hole on the floor of the vent visible on the Overlook Webcam after dark. Ash production remains low and is composed mostly of rock dust from frequent small collapses. Gas-rushing sounds were constant during this morning's ash collection, and only minor rockfall and rock slide sounds were heard. When I checked the overlook webcam I did not see any glow. I do not know how to copy two sections at the same time so I will say tremor is elevated and RB2S2BL quakes are at background levels.

As Woody Woodpecker would say, "That's all folks". God bless and be good to one another.

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