Saturday, September 19, 2009

Another beautiful day.

Aloha: After a wet day yesterday (0.1 inches) today is a bright and sunny day here in "God's country". My wife and a couple of her lady friends are "manning" a booth, all day, at the County Fair today. I bought a pair of sawhorse brackets the other day and now I can not find the saw I bought a year ago so that project is on hold till I figure out what I did with my saw. I just can not find anything or remember where I put things anymore.

Have I told you all how I am being "screwed" by Social Security? Because my wife has a family plan that includes me Medicare does not pay. I pay almost $100 for plan B coverage and Medicare will not pay for co-pays so I am throwing away $100 a month for nothing. HMSA has told me that Social Security law mandates that HMSA is my primary carrier and Medicare is secondary. Therefore, Medicare pays nothing. Bend over everyone, here comes the government!!!!

The volcano is just chugging along, SOS. Tomorrow my mo'opuna will be a guest up here in Volcano for two nights. After school Monday I have to take him to see his doctor. I hope he does not need to get a shot. I think it is just a follow-up for a cough he had earlier this week.

That's all folks. God bless and if you can't be good, be careful.

1 comment:

kaiulani said...

How was he today when you dropped him off at school?