Sunday, June 21, 2009

Happy Summer

Aloha: Happy Summer!!!! Today is the first day of summer. To all you dads out in bloggerland I wish you a very "Happy Fathers Day". Last night the wife and I went out with a friend of my wife's, my brother-in-law and his lady friend. Boy can those women drink. My wife and her friend, no joke, got the box of index cards that the bar keep uses to make her drinks and made a list of what they wanted to drink. before the night was through they had tried all of the drinks on their list. This time was a little different then the last time, no shots between drinks.

Today started out bright, sunny and clear. Now, at noon, it is overcast. There is a nice breeze so it gets rather cool in the shade.

Our volcano is just doing its thing. The reports this morning are all SOS.

Topher is not working this week so it looks like I will not be sitting this week. I tried to get an appointment for PT this past week, but no luck. I will have to call on Monday to get an appointment.

Sorry, no joke today. I go to a website called "Slightly Warped" to get my jokes and this weeks jokes were rather raunchy.

Be good to each other and may God bless us all.

1 comment:

hokusushi said...