Friday, February 19, 2010

Thar She Blows!!!!

Aloha: I know you all were very disappointed not to have me write for all of 5 days. I will try to keep up with my duty to keep you all informed on my exciting life. Well, this time I do have something exciting to write about. Yesterday afternoon Vovo, Hawi Sister and her husband (their treat), and I went on the "Sea Smoke" for a 2 hour whale watching trip. We boarded at low tide so the "cat" got stuck on the sand bar. We finally got off the bar and then the wet bar opened and the Mai Tai's flowed. We left from Anaeho'omalu Bay and the whales were right out there. The seas were pretty heavy, so standing was up was quite a trick. We saw whales on all quarters, maybe 50. Could have been 25 viewed twice but I do not think so. The spinner dolphins (actually porpoises as a dolphin is a mahimahi) were showing the whales how to jump out of the water and the whales were trying. There must have been 200 "spinners" with the whales. One whale surfaced close enough that the watchers on the starboard side got whale "snot" on then. I used Anakam's camera and I hope I got some good pictures. The score for the day: 50 whales; 200 "spinners" and 1 turtle.

I have a feeling that something is up with my 4th grade teacher follower. Her last post was quite interesting.

After Thursday afternoon all the normal reports are rather mundane. SOS: SOS: SOS.

May God bless and keep all of you safe.


Anonymous said...

haha We got engaged! The funny thing is, that post you read was actually BEFORE the proposal and I had no clue. I just updated with a post about it. :)
Hope all is well on your side of the ocean. Thinking of you guys often!

kaiulani said...

Sounds like so much fun. Maybe we should plan a trip like that soon too! I havent gone whale watching since I was in 8th grade!!! (That would be approx. 15 years ago for those wondering)... =)