Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Something new all over again.

Aloha: News flash!!!! I saw something new on the HVO website this morning. Sixteen earthquakes beneath Kilauea were strong enough to be located along a south-trending delineation through south flank faults. This occurrence and preliminary data that indicate south flank GPS receivers moved 2 cm southward yesterday suggest that a "slow earthquake" may have occurred. Confirmation will take some time. How about that! A "slow earthquake"! I wonder how long "some time" will be? With confirmation I hope we will get a detailed explanation of just what it is. Not confirmation; "slow earthquake".

Kansas Vovo visited Manuel on Friday and it seems that the two of them caught the same bug. From what I hear both of them were confined to a space within 10 seconds of the "head". "Head" is the Navy term for bathroom for those who do not know. Manuel had a theory that this bug only liked males, but I guess Kansas Vovo disproved that. Too bad, can you see it. A weapon that will attack males and put them down for 3/5 days. Within a week we could have a great big happy world. Now is the time to laugh!

We had about 0.05 inches of rain yesterday. Other than above the volcano is SOS. Manuel plans to go to work tomorrow. Vovo should be out of bed. OTWC has not fixed my network connection yet, nor have they called to make an appointment.

God bless all of you and may He bless out president with common sense. Sorry Hawi sister and Manuel.

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