Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Weight report

Aloha: Auwe no ho'i!!! Went to the doctor yesterday and got weighed. What a bummer! All my numbers were better than three months ago; except my weight. Up three pounds. "Do you know?" Losing weight is harder to do than quiting smoking, drinking or getting off of drugs. How hard would it be for an alcoholic to quit if he had to drink a beer once a day? People have to eat and if you have a problem stopping.....

This morning there was a lot of air traffic over the volcano area. I checked all the webcams and did not see anything unusual. At one point two rotor wing and one fix wing making way too much noise. We can usually go a full month without hearing such noise.

This morning was bright and sunny, but not so now. The volcano report is SOS. I just saw our fearless leader interviewed on Fox News and he has raised verbal diarrhea to new levels. That man can talk and say nothing, all the while making everything perfectly clear. I hate to say it but the United States is in very deep "dodo".

God bless you all and may he bless the United States.

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