Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Kelo vs. New London

Aloha: Auwe, tomorrow is the 5th anniversary of one of the most dangerous decisions of the SCOTUS. It is the one referenced in the title of this posting. We have all been taught about the concept of "eminent domain". The highway needs to be widened so government can take your land for the public good, after just compensation at fair market value. Up till 5 years ago it had to be for the government's use. A highway, hospital, expand a park, whatever. In Kelo vs New London, the SCOTUS ruled that any government (fed, state, local) can take your property and resell to a private entity for the purpose of increasing the tax base. In the New London case, a lower middle class neighborhood was destroyed so that a drug company could build a factory. The neighborhood was destroyed, the land was rezoned and sold at a profit and the factory was never built. No factory, no jobs, no homes for the displaced. Just a great big eyesore. God help us all.

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