Wednesday, June 2, 2010

I'm back! (Lucky you)

Aloha: I am back from a very nice weekend in Kona. The company was great and the Holua Resort was very nice. We went to dinner at the King Kamehameha Hotel and Anakam wore her "stretchy" pants; boy, can she put the crab away!!! It seems that I can not eat as much as I used to (all that food, so little time) but I still get heavier and heavier every week. My wife and I spent a lot of time in pool with our mo'opuna and also a lot time in stores. (There were 3 women.) On Monday we went to see a lady about outfits for my wife and I and Topher's mother to wear at Anakam and Topher's wedding in Oct. The lady sent me to "Omar, the tent maker" for my shirt.

I was looking for swimming lessons for my mo'opuna and he is too young for the classes I found. On Friday Anakam is off so she and I will check out the YMCA and county pools. Anakam asked me where she learned to swim and I can not remember. I know that my wife took her older sister to the YMCA, but I can not remember where Anakam went.

I only got one bite on my "Food For Thought" posting. He suggested that politicians like to spread your money all over the place so that they can get re-elected. Perhaps we would have a better system if we did not have any politicians but rather go back to the idea of "public service", How about a bumper sticker "Outlaw Career Politicians"!

The volcano has been busy while we were away. There is now a lava pond in the Pu'u 'O'o vent. That means there are now two active lava ponds. Both can be seen via webcams. All else is SOS.

I am sitting and my mo'opuna wants me to pay attention to him so I will have to go. May God bless you all and may he protect the USA.

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