Monday, April 5, 2010

What do you think?

Aloha; I just read something and I would like to get some feedback from all my readers. Here it is.

"Over the past 14 months, our political debate has been transformed into an argument between the heirs of two fundamental schools of political thought, the Founders and the Progressives. The Founders stood for the expansion of liberty and the Progressives for the expansion of government. It's an argument that has been going on for a century but was largely dormant over the quarter-century of low-inflation economic growth that followed the Ronald Reagan tax cuts. It's been raised again by the expand-government policies of the Obama administration and Democratic congressional leaders. Those policies, thoroughly in line with the Progressive tradition, have been advanced by liberal elites in government, media, think tanks and academia. The opposition, roughly in line with the Founders tradition, has been led by the non-elites who spontaneously flocked to tea parties and town halls. ... The conservative rebellions of the late 1970s and middle 1990s were focused on taxes. The tea partiers are focusing on the expansion of government -- and its threat to the independence of citizens. ... By passing the stimulus package and the health care bills, the Democrats produced expansion of government. But voters seem to prefer expansion of liberty." --political analyst Michael Barone

My basic position is with the Founders. "Economic justice is best won by free men through free enterprise". "Social justice" has never been, and will never be, achieved at the point of a gun.

Saw my skin doctor this morning and the bumps on my left jowl is "segmental neurofibromatosis". I think that is spelled right. You all know how bad doctors handwriting is. Almost as bad as mine. I have had those lumps for over 50 years now so I do not think I will worry about them.

I am down in Hilo today and it is raining. Looks like I will be getting wet picking up my mo'opuna this afternoon. He was not a happy camper this morning when he realised he would not be picked up by mom or dad. Poor kid!

That's all folks. God bless and be good to each other.


Anonymous said...

Do we not need more government as the world becomes more complex?

Anonymous said...

I think I will have to go with the Founders on this one. Other than the Armed Forces I can not think of anything the government does better than the private sector.