Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Something new.

Aloha: All of you are having the rare treat of being the first to read something typed from my brand new keyboard. My old one died and I was in withdrawal yesterday. I have to get used to the space bar. It is not as high as my old one so I have to work to get it to do its thing.

I had a comment from a "Joe", who is still unknown to me. I also have a follower, Aggarwal Govind, who has blocked his profile and blog so I do not know anything about him or what he is about.

A few months ago I wrote about having to send to Florida for my meds. Enough people complained that we no longer have to send away for meds. I went to the doctor and got new scripts and took them to Wally's world. I explained to the person that I only needed two of them and that I would let them know when I wanted to pick up the rest as I had just gotten a load of meds from Florida. They told me to come back in one to one and a half hours. I came back and it was not ready so I waited and waited and waited... Two hours later (total time over 3 hours) they have them ready for me. All 8 meds. I was thinking of going to Windward Pharmacy but decided on Wally's world just in case I go "holo holo" and needed to get a refill.

All the reports for the volcano area are the usual SOS. That will be it for today. God bless and be kind to each other.


kaiulani said...

How were you able to change it so that you can pick up your maintenance meds from town? Mine are still being mailed to my house and they wont pay for the meds if I dont have them mailed. They dont cover meds from local retailers... you gottah share your info with me please. Thanks.

kaiulani said...

Oh and by share, I mean call me. thanks.