Sunday, January 10, 2010

Sunday report; 01/10/10

Aloha: Well, it is back to normal with the exciting Sunday report and the weather report and the volcano report, and all the other exciting news from "God's country".

First; today started out very voggy, but now the air has cleared up and the sun is shinning, the birds are singing and it is now 60 on the sunny side of the house. So much for the weather.

Second; in a related report, the rain gauge recorded absolutely no rain for the week. That right, 0.00 inches for the week. A few more weeks like this last one and I will have to start rationing water. For those of you who do not read these pearls of wisdom regularly, the Sunday report is the rain report.

Third; after a few nights of great views from the overlook webcam the view, at night, is back to normal. RB2S2BL quakes are at background, tremor is in the same level as it has been since 07, tephra is the same, and SO2 is still elevated. The volcano report is, therefore, SOS.

Yesterday my wife, eldest, and I went to Kona to visit Cosco, K-mart, and Target. Kissed about $400 dollars good-bye (buy?) and came back with a truck full of all kinds of "stuff". I paid $40 for a "Zero Water" filter pitcher and another $40 for two replacement filters. The charcoal filters, hopefully, will remove the sulfur taste from the catchment water so we can use it for cooking.

I pray that I will have good news to report this week on the school front, as regards to my mo'opuna. The teacher says that he know everything that they are teaching, so I think he is too smart for them, but what else can I say since he is my grandchild (ego inflated).

Last, but by far not the least, is the benediction. May the Good Lord be with you always and may He keep you all safe.


Kaiulani said...

It was a fun trip. Thanks for the good foods!!!

hokusushi said...

I can't wait for our kona trip. Some family time under the influence is always a great way to spend the day!! :)