Sunday, September 27, 2009

New Info

Aloha: I have some numbers to share with you all today. I did not empty my rain gauge since last Sunday so the rain for the week was 0.60 inches and one bug for the week. Tune in next Sunday for an update. The second number is found in today "Kilauea Update" from HVO. The number of RB2S2BL earthquakes reached 25 per hour yesterday. Now all they have to do is let us know how that number relates to "background" levels. The webcams are stuck at 7:30p last night. They were fixed since the last time I reported them and I guess the fix did not stick.

This past Thursday the school called and I had to pick up CJ. The school reported that he had a fever and was feeling sick. He sure acted healthy when I picked him up, ran in the parking lot and fell down. No sympathy from me as I had told him not to "play around". (No damage.) Because he went home sick on Thursday he was not allowed back on Friday so I, grandma, and CJ did not get to participate in the special program at the school for "Kupuna Day". I had even shaved for the occasion and, believe it or not, was wearing shoes. It was a wet day so I did not get to take him to torment the ducks and geese at Wailoa State Park.

The weather and the volcano report are both the same, SOS. Hey, I have not heard from a certain 4th grade teacher in two weeks. Hope everything is OK. May God bless and be good to each other.


kaiulani said...

Poor CJ. At least hes young enough to not realize all the fun that was missed on special grandparents day. Maybe you can reschedule the duck outing for a day when Im around. I think that I would like to go too.

hokusushi said...

I was very upset that he couldn't go to school even though the doctor said he could!!! anyway, lets all go and feed the ducks. :)