Wednesday, September 30, 2009

News Flash!!!!

Aloha: Just a short note for a news flash. As most of you know my wife is in the American Red Cross as a trainer for instructors and just about everything else. She was deployed to Houston for the Hurricane there and she has just called me to let me know that she will be deployed to Samoa in the next few days for earthquake relief. She will be gone for about 2/3 weeks. In Houston she was in Logistics and this time I think she will be in Shelter Management. God bless her and all the people she will be helping. God bless all on you.

Hawi sister, where are you?

Aloha: It has been a long time since my sister in Hawi has responded to my blog. I have not heard from her since before Nabru and his grandson visited. (Hint, hint) I am thinking of putting in a closet on the porch. I will have to cut a hole in the wall and, quite frankly, am kinda "scared" I will miss the mark and make a big "boo-boo". I am 99% certain that I have got it figured out but still....

Today's weather is wet, wet, wet. The volcano is SOS. God is in his heaven and I am in Volcano. May He bless and keep all of you.

Tuesday, September 29, 2009


Aloha: This morning there was a very large earthquake off the coast of Samoa. Hawaii went into a tsunami watch for a while and has since been taken off the watch. However the beaches have all been closed for the day as there will be some small wave action and currents around the beaches will be disrupted and could be dangerous. It has been a long time since we have had a tsunami here in Hawaii. I remember the 60 wave and helping with the clean-up. I saw the National Guard pulling bodies out of the wreckage and transporting them to the morgue. These islands are long overdue for a major tsunami. The school that CJ goes to is close to the tsunami zone so classes were canceled for today. Whatever wave action we will get is expected in about on hour.

I tried to go for a walk in the park today. It was very nice when I got up this morning but by the time I was ready for my walk the sky was dark and it looked like rain. I ended up just going to the PO and back. The sky is still not too friendly but no rain yet.

Our volcano is chugging along doing its thing so I guess I can say it is SOS.

That's it for today. God bless and take care. May God bless the USA!

Sunday, September 27, 2009

New Info

Aloha: I have some numbers to share with you all today. I did not empty my rain gauge since last Sunday so the rain for the week was 0.60 inches and one bug for the week. Tune in next Sunday for an update. The second number is found in today "Kilauea Update" from HVO. The number of RB2S2BL earthquakes reached 25 per hour yesterday. Now all they have to do is let us know how that number relates to "background" levels. The webcams are stuck at 7:30p last night. They were fixed since the last time I reported them and I guess the fix did not stick.

This past Thursday the school called and I had to pick up CJ. The school reported that he had a fever and was feeling sick. He sure acted healthy when I picked him up, ran in the parking lot and fell down. No sympathy from me as I had told him not to "play around". (No damage.) Because he went home sick on Thursday he was not allowed back on Friday so I, grandma, and CJ did not get to participate in the special program at the school for "Kupuna Day". I had even shaved for the occasion and, believe it or not, was wearing shoes. It was a wet day so I did not get to take him to torment the ducks and geese at Wailoa State Park.

The weather and the volcano report are both the same, SOS. Hey, I have not heard from a certain 4th grade teacher in two weeks. Hope everything is OK. May God bless and be good to each other.

Thursday, September 24, 2009

A new Post

Aloha: After over a month of silence Hokusushi has posted a blog. To read about her weekend in Kona go to . Too quick we become old, too slow we become smart.

For some reason the webcams I check have had the same picture since 8:30a Tuesday. Earthquakes are way down, tremor is up and the whole thing is SOS. Weather is great in Volcano and hot in Hilo. Since I stopped emptying the rain gauge every day I have gotten 0.25 inches of wet for the week. I have also gotten one bug. I hope it did not drink too much of my water.

Tomorrow the preschool has a program for student's grandparents and after it is over I will be taking my mo'opuna and I think we will go to Wailoa State Park to torment the ducks and geese. Just outside the park is a bread "day old" store and I guess I will get some for CJ to feed the "fly boys". And girls. Anakam has requested that I wear shoes and that I shave for tomorrow. I just might wear my "old guys rule" shirt too.

God bless and take care. May God bless America.

Monday, September 21, 2009

Pissed off!!!

Aloha: Just what is biting my butt? Saturday my wife worked at the County Fair all day. While she was giving free time to a group that exists to help the community, some A-H keyed our new car. Right down the drivers side. When I saw what had happened on Sunday morning I really thought that summery execution was a good idea. One thing for certain, they would not do it again.

On a happier note, CJ spent the night with grandma and grandpa last night and will again tonight. He was very good about getting up and dressed and all the little things to get ready for school. We went to McD's for breakfast, he had hotcakes and I had a Sausage McMuffin. McD's is just across the street from the school so quite convienent.

It is hot in Hilo today. It was 80 at 8a this morning. Clear when we left Volcano. The volcano is SOS.

Be good and may God bless.

Saturday, September 19, 2009

Another beautiful day.

Aloha: After a wet day yesterday (0.1 inches) today is a bright and sunny day here in "God's country". My wife and a couple of her lady friends are "manning" a booth, all day, at the County Fair today. I bought a pair of sawhorse brackets the other day and now I can not find the saw I bought a year ago so that project is on hold till I figure out what I did with my saw. I just can not find anything or remember where I put things anymore.

Have I told you all how I am being "screwed" by Social Security? Because my wife has a family plan that includes me Medicare does not pay. I pay almost $100 for plan B coverage and Medicare will not pay for co-pays so I am throwing away $100 a month for nothing. HMSA has told me that Social Security law mandates that HMSA is my primary carrier and Medicare is secondary. Therefore, Medicare pays nothing. Bend over everyone, here comes the government!!!!

The volcano is just chugging along, SOS. Tomorrow my mo'opuna will be a guest up here in Volcano for two nights. After school Monday I have to take him to see his doctor. I hope he does not need to get a shot. I think it is just a follow-up for a cough he had earlier this week.

That's all folks. God bless and if you can't be good, be careful.

Friday, September 18, 2009

Lucky Nabru

Aloha: Boy did Nabru luck out. While he was on this side of the Big Island the days were bright and clear. We did get caught is a shower while at the Lava Tube, but other than that the weather was very "user friendly". Not so today. No problem as Nabru and his grandson are in Kona and on their way to Hawi. Then it is back to Atlanta and P-cola.

Last night I checked the webcams and there was quite a glow from the overlook webcam. Nada from the HVO webcam. Earthquakes are below background levels and tremor is elevated. So everything is SOS. I have been asked how long I thought this volcano thing will go on and the answer to that question is long after I am dead, cremated and scattered to the winds. This whole process started in 83 and there is no end in sight. However it could also just go "pop" and be over tomorrow.

Anakam has a conference in Kona to go to this weekend. Actually Sun, Mon and Tues. Topher has to work early on Monday so Grandma and I will have a house guest for Sunday and Monday night. Poor Topher! He will be all alone in the house.

Hey, it is 3:30p and the sun is making an appearance. Tomorrow my wife is going to help the Jaycee's at the County Fair. I will stay home and play on the computer.

God bless and take care. May God bless America.

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Constitution Day

Aloha: Today is the 222nd anniversary of the signing of the Constitution of the United States. It is too bad that for the last, at least, half century our leaders (Presidents, Congressmen, Senators and Judges) have been treating it like a piece of toilet paper. I am going to stop writing as I am getting very, very angry about the lost of our country.

God bless all of you and may He, please, bless America.

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Another Great Day in Paradise

Aloha: Today was a great day in paradise!!!! My brother and his grandson spent the day up in Volcano touring and I was lucky enough to tag along. Tomorrow they pass through the Volcano area and go to Kona through Ka'u. They might even go to South Point. They will spend the night at an old hotel, Manago's, in Capt Cook, then the next day go on to Hawi and from there to the airport and back to Atlanta. Poor Zack, my brother is 70 and I am 65. Zack is 11 and I do not think he finds the same things interesting that us old guys find interesting.

The Volcano is putting out a bunch of fume. All else is really SOS. The weather has been very nice. Today we did get a little wet at the lava tube, but the rest of the day has been dry. We went to Hilina Pali for the first time in a great many years. Kipula Nene has been closed off. In the 60's and 70's we used to picnic there often.

That's if for today. God bless and be good to each other.

Monday, September 14, 2009

A great picnic

Aloha: Yesterday was a great day up at "Bird Park". I still call it "bird park" because that is what the area was called when we first started going there in the late 40's. My dad got his first car when I was 4 years old and I am the 4th of 5 children. Our major form of entertainment on weekends was to get into the car; yes all 7 of us, no seat belts; and go for a ride. We rarely knew where we were going, we just went. It was a great life. Well, to get back to what I was talking about, our picnic was great. As usual too much to eat. My older brother and my grand nephew made the mistake of eating breakfast, but we stuffed them anyway. My younger brother showed up just as we were putting the food away. He made an even greater error as he had eaten lunch. The church he goes to has a pot luck every Sunday after services. We did not expect him as he usually gives rides to 1 to 3 people from Hilo and they are "antsy" to get back down to sea level. He said he told them they were on their own so he could be there.

After we had eaten and got things packed up the weather went from bright and sunny to slightly wet. I guess we lucked out as we did not have to walk around the park trail. Us old guys dodged a bullet there. The weather today is the same as yesterday. It is now about 1p and has clouded up and it looks like we just might get a mizzle.

On Wednesday Nabru and his grandson pick me up and we will tour the HVNP. I love showing off this island. I hope my friend Arther does not show up as he can be a real pain and a drag.

The Volcano report is SOS. The only oddity is that earthquakes are really down. Below background levels. The overlook webcam has recorded a glow for the last few days, but the glow does not show up on the HVO webcam.

That's it for today. I am still waiting for a response from Connie. God bless and be good to each other.

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Are you there?

Aloha: When I was a kid (last century) we were told that in England you answered the phone, not with a "hello", but with a "are you there". I have titled today's blog "Are you there" because I only follow 4 blogs and I have not seen a posting from 2 of them in over a month. Hokusushi and Coconut Girl Connie are missing in action. Hokusushi is my daughter Anakam so I see her all the time so she is OK, but Connie? "Are you there?"

Have you ever had your phone ring and when you answer the person on the other end asks "Who are you?"? I just tell them "If you do not know who you are calling I do not want to talk to you." and I hang up. Well, not really that politely.

I had an uncle, Uncle John, who, one day, got a call from a young lady who wanted to talk to Fred. He told her that she had the wrong number and that no one named Fred lived there. She called back about a half hour later and did so for about 4 calls. Finally he told he that Fred was out with Jane and the girl just broke down crying. He felt so bad that he spent the time to convince her that she indeed had the wrong number. Funny how one thought leads to another and us old guys just keep rambling on and on and on and........

I think I will stop looking at my rain gauge every day and maybe just once a week. Except for the one time I got 0.35 inches all I get is a trace amount. If I just leave it in the gauge for a week the trace today and the trace tomorrow just might add up to something I can measure.

My brother and his grandson are coming to this side of the island today. It looks like I will be off next week so I just might be able to "tag along" on the trips on this side of the island. We just might be able to see a sea turtle on the beach at Punalu'u.

Wow, this is getting long. Take care and be good to each other. May God bless all of you and may He bless America.

Sunday, September 6, 2009

A Virgin no more.

Aloha: Well it finally happened. My rain gauge is no longer a virgin. We got .35 inches of rain the other day. I was going to make the big announcement yesterday but the wife and I went to Casco in Kona and were gone all day. Yesterday was sunny all over the island. Not so today. We had to go into Kea'au to do the laundry today, and it was wet all the way down and back. I will check the gauge tomorrow to see how much we got today.

Auwe!!!! I forgot to check the HVO website for the volcano update. Yesterdays' report had earthquakes at way below background levels. I hope she is not saving up for a grand one.

I guess that is it for today. We are looking forward to the visit of Nabru and his grandson. They leave Atlanta tomorrow and will be here for about 3 weeks.

God bless you all and may He bless America.

Friday, September 4, 2009

My "new" computer

Aloha: No I did not get a new computer. For less than $40 I expanded my memory so now I do not have to wait for things to happen. When I got this machine it came with 512 megs. Now I have 2.5 gigs.

Today my brother leaves Florida for Atlanta. He leaves Atlanta for Hawaii on Monday with his grandson. Everyone on this end is looking forward for this visit. My sister, Vovo, is thinking of a trip in January. I guess she wants to get away from a Kansas winter. My brother here in Hawaii is planning a trip to Missouri for Thanksgiving. I, on the other hand, am planning a trip to the bathroom in a few minutes.

Today is a very unusual day. My wife is actually taking a day off from work. Monday is Labor Day so she is going to be off for 4 days! At first we were going to go to Cosgo in Kona, but decided to sleep in this morning. I think we will be going tomorrow. Anakam called last night and I will be sitting next week. Poor CJ. I will have to be the bad guy and make him sit and eat and sleep when he is told so he will not be dis-enrolled from school. He really needs to be with kids his own age.

The weather is wet and the volcano is SOS. My almost new rain gauge has only recorded trace amounts of "precipitation".

God bless and take care. May God bless America.

Thursday, September 3, 2009

A walk in the park.

Aloha: This morning I took a dose of "Aleve" and decided to go for a walk in the park. For those who are new to this blog I live within walking distance of Hawaii Volcanoes National Park. My porch is less than a mile from Kilauea Iki crater, as the Apapane flies. My friend, Arther Itis, complained but I tried to ignore him. Needless to say my knees were very happy to get home.

The weather this morning was bright and sunny. It started to cloud up near the end of my walk and is now partly cloudy. It may get misty this afternoon.

My brother from Florida, Nabru, and his 11 year old grandson will be in Hawaii next week. My girls are trying to get a "picnic" set for "Bird Park" while they are here. Anakam had volunteered her sisters house for a get-together then the light bulb turned on and "Bird Park" popped up.

Auwe, my mo'opuna had to visit the office at school the other day. I think he is bored with school and has "ants in his pants". The teacher says that he knows his letters and numbers and can't sit while the other children catch on. The other day he would not sit in the "time out" chair so to the office he went.

The volcano report is SOS again today. Well, that is all for today. God bless and be good.

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Sept. 1, 2009. Tuesday

Aloha: As you can see by the title I can not think of a title again. I guess I will just blame old age. I have a storage unit where I store a bunch of stuff I got from my mother's estate. For some reason they charged me twice this month. I called and they are trying to get it fixed. I will have to call the credit union tomorrow if it is not fixed by then.

I see that my oldest daughter is going to go back to school to complete her degree in Hawaiian Studies. She, my wife and my youngest daughters are very good hula dancers. Both of the girls were "student teachers" at their old halau. When the halau closed many of the students and parents wanted the girls to open their own halau. She just may be headed in that direction.

It was wet in volcano this morning. I tried to walk to the PO but got rained on so came back. The volcano itself if just doing its thing. I have checked the wercams every night and do not see any glow but the report from the HVO says that they record a faint glow. I have a feeling that this "activity" is going to go on for a long, long time. Because of the SO2 a large part of the park is closed.

May God bless and keep all of you in the palm of his right hand.