Saturday, August 22, 2009

Ego boost

Aloha: My new follower sure gave my ego a boost with her comment on my last blog. Now the pressure is on continue in the same vein.

Later this afternoon I will be going to house sit my oldest daughters house for one night. The house is only a few years old so she does not like to have it vacant for a long weekend. She also has dogs that need to be fed so I got elected. Everybody will be returning to their homes Sunday, sunburned, tired and dirty. Then it is off to work on Monday. I think I will be sitting my "mo'opuna" this week. Topher is expecting a call on Monday to find out if he will be working the rest of the week. I hope so as I kind of miss sitting that special 3-year old.

The weather today is cloudy. No rain yet, just no sun either. The volcano report is SOS. When I checked the overlook webcam last night I though that the glow was not as bright as it has been the last few days.

May God bless all of you and may He bless America.

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