Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Less than SOS (part 2)

Aloha: The volcano report is less than SOS again. No glow, SO2 at the lowest level since this event started, tephra just rock dust; it looks like this event just might be fading away, or not.

Weather is cloudy, with mizzle. (Mizzle - between mist and drizzle.) Dogs are still too pooped to do much, not even eat. The older we get the longer it takes to recover.

Tomorrow I go to try to get some will power to lose weight. I hope it works. It looks like I will have to get a new phone as the screen on my phone has gone out. I will have to get a new fan for my dry room. I have a room in the house with a dehumidifier and a fan to move the air. The fan no longer works, so I need to get a new one. Looks like I will have a real "fun" day tomorrow.

God bless and be good to each other.

PS: I just did a spell check and am told that the work "dehumidifier" is misspelled. But that is the spelling that the spell checker inserted. Strange, the spell checker does not like its own spelling.


hokusushi said...

See you tomorrow. :)

kaiulani said...

Those poor guys were pooped while we were camping. They are about 100 years old!