Monday, July 13, 2009

Happy Monday

Aloha: It seems that life has gotten into a rut. The volcano and the weather is SOS. I do not have to sit this week. Maybe I can get Anakam and Topher to go to the movies or shopping or something. (Hint, hint). The cable is acting up and since I have roadrunner I hope nothing happens to the computer. I have the computer on an "APS" so the worst that can happen is a "connectivity problem". I think I have to increase the memory as this thing slows down to a crawl every once in a while. Those without cable know how it is: turn computer on, take a shower, hope you are connected when you get back. I think one of the problems is that the cable company does not have enough "band width" in the volcano area.

Take care and be good to each other. May God bless each and every one of you and may God bless America.


kaiulani said...

You can always come to town and dog sit my guys... =)

hokusushi said...

you do know that you don't need a reason to come to hy house right? Your welcome anytime. :)