Sunday, March 29, 2009


Greetings and salutations to all my faithful readers. I just read something interesting. I copied it and it follows in red. "In 2006, the most recent year for which data is available, four million taxpayers had adjusted gross incomes of $200,000 or more. They comprised 3% of the tax returns, made 31% of the income, but donated 44% of all charitable contributions. Together, they provided charity with $81 billion in that year." I wonder what will happen when the IRS cuts the charitable deduction to 80% of the amount donated?

I noticed that ever since I stopped referring to volcano as God's country the weather has not been "nice". It really is always nice but not "walkable". Right now it is 10a and a heavy mist is falling, and the sunny side of the house is 51 degrees. Auwe, I forgot to check the HVO's website so I will guess that everything is SOS.

The kakuma is soaking in the refrigerator and will do so until the water comes out clean and clear. It will take about 5 days with a water change every day. Then we will have, as Alton Brown would say, "good eats".

Right now my wife is watching the SciFi channel. I did not know that they made so many "weird" movies. She really like those kinds of movies.

As Woody Woodpecker would say, "That's all folks". God bless and take care of each other.


Coconut Girl Connie said... grandmother, we called her Gagi, who lived in Laupahoehoe would make Kakuma in chicken ono, now I have to have some.

And I agree about the generous donations of the wealthy....

kaiulani said...

I really wonder what it would be like to make $200,000 a year... I think it takes me at least 6 years to make that much

hokusushi said...

I want to eat kakuma and pork. Yummy!!!! Don't forget about me. :)