Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Aloha: I got a few comments on yesterdays post. Until I get asked otherwise I will not copy volcano updates from the HVO website. I will just give a short update from memory. Hope the "old timers" does not kick in. Found out that the comment from "Mr. B." was a link to his own blog, and not my friend in California. I try to answer comments in the next days blog, rather than making a new comment. If you feel I have not responded to a comment tell me the date, and content of the comment and I will try to address it.

The Volcano is doing its thing. Tephra is just reworked rock dust, not new stuff. Tremor is still elevated, earthquakes are in the normal range. No glow last night and the caldera is deflating. It appears that the hole in the floor of Halema'uma'u is getting larger. SO2 is very high.

It is cloudy today so the temperature is a little higher today. Our island has been getting rain this week, over 5 inches at Laupahoehoe yesterday. My wife called from Kaho'olawe this morning and she is not cutting down Keawe trees. Because the island (Kaho'olawe) has been getting some rain the powers that be have decided to have the gang plant native ground cover, bushes and shrubs.

I was not able to get in touch with the driver of the Island Market truck so will have to pick up my wife's "tank" on Saturday. She comes back tomorrow evening. I wonder if she will have to swim out to the landing craft. Only time will tell. CJ's mother does not believe that she had to swim ashore last year. I was under the impression that she had told everyone about that.

Take care and be good to each other. God bless.


Anonymous said...

I like your blog, I like to read your old timer memory on whats happening versus the info from the site... its nicer to read. =) Also, I dont think that you should have to address anything you dont want to address (this is regarding comments). Its your blog, you can do and say what you like, Its ALL GOOD! =) Love you!

Anonymous said...

Its Manuel.
You need to come by and see how my kitchen and bathroom are coming.
Should be finished by Friday.