Sunday, January 25, 2009

Aloha: Am trying something new so hang on to your seat.

Activity Summary for past 24 hours: Increased amplitude seismic tremor in the summit coincided with the return of weak glow from the Halema`uma`u vent. Sulfur dioxide emission rates remain elevated from both the Halema`uma`u and the Pu`u `O`o vents. Lava from east rift zone vents flows through tubes to the ocean; surface flows remain active on the coastal plain. The stuff in red I copied from the HVO website. Earthquakes are down for now. RB2S2BL quakes are within background levels, although at the higher end.

Ka'iulani reminded me of what I forgot twice. It seems that Macy's lost a lawsuit and had to give away a bunch of stuff so she had Burida and me go to the store and pick up some kind of face cream for her. The cream cost about $30 an ounce. Women just do not realize that men do not notice that they use that kind of "war paint". The less they wear the more men like it. Save your money girls!!!!

I have no idea what clock the computer uses for its time stamp, but I will read a comment from somebody in the same time zone as I am and the time stamp will be two hours in the future. I guess with computers time travel is possible. I will try to work in a time when I do this so all my faithful readers will get a better idea of our time frame. Shall I use codswallop and popinjay now. I guess not.

It is 10:30a here in Gods country and it is cold and wet. Fifty degrees outside and kind of misty. Good excuse to stay indoors and play games on the computer, read things from the "Hot Air" website and pray for the future of this country. When some Republican offered suggestions at one of our fearless leaders meetings they were told that he won the election and that was that!!! Great way to win friends and influence people. Maybe the Pope is right.

May god bless all of you and may God bless this country.


Anonymous said...

Hello, its not war paint, its face lotion. You know what lotion is right???? The stuff you put on your skin when its dry, both women and men tend to use the stuff... Well this one is really good. (insert raspberry here)

Anonymous said...

Who is Burida?

Anonymous said...

You can pronounce it like this: Bull Ride Ah.