Sunday, June 27, 2010

SOS Sunday

Aloha: We had 0.35 inches of rain this past week and the volcano is doing it's thing, so all is SOS. My wife's brother, "Small Fry", is here till July 5th then he is off to the mainland to do his "bomb" thing. If you just happened on this blog and don't know, he works for a ordinance disposal company and goes all over the place looking for unexploded bombs so the military can blow them up. He has been as far east as Cuba, west to Japan, north to Alaska, but not below the equator yet.

Thing here on the home front are, like out volcano, SOS. Our truck is still not fixed so we are still "tooling" around in the red Dodge Charger. We live off road so have to be careful not to scrape bottom when we come and go. I think we will have to wash it before we turn it in.

God bless and take care. Love to all.

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Kelo vs. New London

Aloha: Auwe, tomorrow is the 5th anniversary of one of the most dangerous decisions of the SCOTUS. It is the one referenced in the title of this posting. We have all been taught about the concept of "eminent domain". The highway needs to be widened so government can take your land for the public good, after just compensation at fair market value. Up till 5 years ago it had to be for the government's use. A highway, hospital, expand a park, whatever. In Kelo vs New London, the SCOTUS ruled that any government (fed, state, local) can take your property and resell to a private entity for the purpose of increasing the tax base. In the New London case, a lower middle class neighborhood was destroyed so that a drug company could build a factory. The neighborhood was destroyed, the land was rezoned and sold at a profit and the factory was never built. No factory, no jobs, no homes for the displaced. Just a great big eyesore. God help us all.

Sunday, June 20, 2010

Happy Father's Day

Aloha: I hope all you father's out there have a very Happy Father's Day. My wife went to Honolulu for Red Cross training this weekend so this father is able to sleep late, eat what he wants, and watch what he wants all day. She returns at 5p tonight so maybe we will go to Nori's for pork chops. Speaking of pork chops, when in Kona go to Manago's and have pork chops. Great stuff. Cooked on an old cast iron grill, fantastic!!!!!

It appears that the lava pond in the Pu'u 'O'o crater is no longer active. Halema'uma'u, on the other hand, is chugging along. The volcano report is SOS. The rain report is 0.1 inches for the week. When I checked the rain gauge I ate a bunch of green beans from my wife's garden and I must say, fresh vegetables from the garden taste a whole lot better then in the house. Crisp, crunchy and sweet. My mother would tell us that when she was a child her dad would have her mom start to boil the water and when the water was ready he would go into the garden and pick the corn, husk it on the way back to the house and put it in the pot. My grandfather had quite a garden, at least half an acre. I do not think they ever bought any vegetables, even in the winter.

That will be it for today. God bless and take care. Love to all.

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Pau Ka'a Part 2

Aloha: It seems that I did not make clear that after our little "fender-bender" all protocols were followed and both the fire and police departments had their representatives on scene. Yesterday I got in touch with the "villains" carrier and today took our "wheels" (blue boy) to be looked at. There appears to be a lot more damage than at first glance, so for the next two weeks we will be tooling around in a red Dodge Charger.

The insurance rep was looking at the truck and asked one of the workers over to check out what the rep thought was a "ding" and the worker looked at the drivers side and back and forth. He went and got another worker and they measured the distance between front and back tire on the passenger side and on the drivers side and the drivers side was 1.5 inches shorter. Hence the red Charger. Just looking at the wheel and tire and tail pipe the rep thought about $2,000. Now the truck will have to be put on the rack and really checked out.

That will be it for today. God bless and take care.

Sunday, June 13, 2010

Sunday. Again?

Aloha: I just realized that I did not do my duty to my readers this past week. No posting for 7 whole days. How did you all survive?

I do nave some news to report. On our way home yesterday we got into a little fender-bender. We were number 3 in a line of cars and number 1 decided to stop in the middle of the road. Number 2 stops in time, I stop in time, but the Ridgeline behind me swerved to avoid me and his passenger front tire and my driver rear tire make like cymbal's and he gets a broken tire rod and a flat and is stuck in the middle of the road. Part of his tire is embedded between my tire and wheel. The car that started the whole thing disappeared as did everyone else who saw what happened. A friend on my wife's from JC's and the driver of the car that hit us changed out tire and now I have to go to my insurance and see what has to be done. My alloy wheel is damaged so will have to be replaced. So much for the excitement of the day, week, month and maybe the year.

We got 0.25 inches of rain for the week. The volcano is SOS. And all is beautiful in God's country. God bless and keep you all.

Sunday, June 6, 2010

Aloha: The year is half gone and it still feels like it just turned 2010. Today's rain report is for 2 weeks and it is only 0.15 inches of wet. Boy, does time fly. The only thing moving faster then time is my waist line.

Not much to report today. The volcano is SOS and it is a beautiful day in Hawaii nei. I guess that will be all for today. I still have not heard if I will be sitting this week so no news is good news so I will be going down on Monday. Love to all and may God bless.

Friday, June 4, 2010

Swimming lessons.

Aloha: In my last post I said YMCA when in fact it is the YWCA that has the pool and the swimming lessons. I checked out the YWCA and Anakam will have to join the YWCA before I can take CJ for lessons. He is only 4 and the County of Hawaii pools have lessons at $10 per and the start age is 5. I guess I will have to take him to the pool and teach him myself. The only trouble with that is that he does not take the "tickle monster" seriously.

The view from the Pu'u 'O'o webcam is quite good at night. Too bad there is no way for the public to get into the area to see it first hand. But then the rim of the crater has a tendency to collapse; that is the reason they have a new (and better) camera at Pu'u 'O'o.

Yesterday my wife went to Maui for the day for a meeting with the Maui FD. She goes on so many trips that I am having trouble getting them all right in my head. She went from Hilo to Maui and the return was Maui to Honolulu to Hilo. She told me that the security in Hilo was much higher than the other two airports. She was patted down twice in Hilo, at the checkpoint where you take off your shoes and again at the gate to get on the plane.

Things here in Hawaii nei are, as always, beautiful. I think that we will go to the Zoo today. Anakam is off so it will be the three of us. I guess that will do it for today. Love to all and may the Good Lord bless and keep all of you safe. May God bless America!

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

I'm back! (Lucky you)

Aloha: I am back from a very nice weekend in Kona. The company was great and the Holua Resort was very nice. We went to dinner at the King Kamehameha Hotel and Anakam wore her "stretchy" pants; boy, can she put the crab away!!! It seems that I can not eat as much as I used to (all that food, so little time) but I still get heavier and heavier every week. My wife and I spent a lot of time in pool with our mo'opuna and also a lot time in stores. (There were 3 women.) On Monday we went to see a lady about outfits for my wife and I and Topher's mother to wear at Anakam and Topher's wedding in Oct. The lady sent me to "Omar, the tent maker" for my shirt.

I was looking for swimming lessons for my mo'opuna and he is too young for the classes I found. On Friday Anakam is off so she and I will check out the YMCA and county pools. Anakam asked me where she learned to swim and I can not remember. I know that my wife took her older sister to the YMCA, but I can not remember where Anakam went.

I only got one bite on my "Food For Thought" posting. He suggested that politicians like to spread your money all over the place so that they can get re-elected. Perhaps we would have a better system if we did not have any politicians but rather go back to the idea of "public service", How about a bumper sticker "Outlaw Career Politicians"!

The volcano has been busy while we were away. There is now a lava pond in the Pu'u 'O'o vent. That means there are now two active lava ponds. Both can be seen via webcams. All else is SOS.

I am sitting and my mo'opuna wants me to pay attention to him so I will have to go. May God bless you all and may he protect the USA.