Friday, May 28, 2010

Food For Thought.

Aloha: I believe one of our Founding Fathers, James Madison, said that Charity is not the function of Government. The Jaycee Creed says it quite clearly: "Economic justice can best be won by free men through free enterprise." May God have mercy on us all.

Thursday, May 27, 2010


Aloha: If you check out my last post you will see that I got a comment. It is from, I think, a lawyer. I guess they are looking for business. No luck as the manager at the local AT&T store, who is very nice, resolved the problems and things are normal, for now. I think that phone, and tower, technology are not progressing at the same pace. The only problem is that you kinda lose confidence that the technology will work when needed.

We just had a special election for the 1st Congressional District. You may have heard about it as the Republicat won over the 2 Demipublicans. The weird thing is the D's do not reside in the district. Then yesterday I read about the guy losing the primary in Idaho, for the Senate, who has never been to Idaho. At least Hilliary moved to New York. I was taught, a long, long time ago, that you had to, at least, live in the district you wanted to represent. How about, at the very least, living in the State!

I am sitting my mo'opuna today. School is out so I will have a full time job for the summer. Tomorrow we all go to Kona for a long weekend. I know you all will miss my Sunday Report. I guess I will have to do it on Tuesday. For today the reports are all SOS. May the good Lord watch over the United States and protect it from "fundamental change".

Sunday, May 23, 2010

Cell Phone Blues 2

Aloha: As you can see by the title, my cell phone blues are/is back. (See post of April 29). My cell phone carrier is AT&T Mobility. My new phone is/was a Nokia 6350. It is a really nice looking phone with features I will never use (More to go wrong?). As stated in my April 29 post, the phone lasted 8 days. Got a new one and it lasted 23 days. After about 2/3 hours at the AT&T store I got another phone yesterday and it does not work this morning. I took the sim card out of the new phone and put it into an old phone and it works fine (for now). The old phone is a Nokia 6085. I have had other Nokia phones over the years and they have all served me well. The new one; incoming calls go the voice mail; outgoing call get the message "Error In Connection". A full charge (battery full) last 8/12 hours. I am not looking forward to tomorrow.

This week is the last week of school for my mo'opuna. On Friday my wife and I, with our daughters, their "other halves" and CJ will be going to Kona for a long weekend. We have been doing this for, maybe 5, years now. It is a great, relaxing weekend. Do not expect a Sunday Report next Sunday. Sorry to disappoint.

We got 0.15 inches of rain this past week. The volcano is doing its thing and all is SOS. Time for me to go. May God's love be with you always.

Friday, May 21, 2010

Volcano Update!

Aloha: Just a short update for today. Today is the 10,000 day anniversary of the current eruption of Kilauea. That's if for today. May God be with you all.

Sunday, May 16, 2010

It's Sunday again.

Aloha: It's Sunday again and time for all the reports from God's country. Here is how the HVO reported on the volcano this morning. Auwe!!!! My cut and paste did not work!!! I guess I will just have to sum it up. SOS. Rain for the week was 0.25 inches. I have not heard from Anakam yet so no news is good news and I will be going down to sit tomorrow. I guess that will be it for today. God bless and take care.

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

May Day Program.

Aloha: Today was the day for my mo'opuna's May Day program at Haili Christian School. The theme of the program was "Na Keiki O Ka Lahui E Hoike; Ke Akua Kou Aloha". Each class represented a Nation, my mo'opuna's class was Puerto Rico. (I know that Puerto Rico is a part of the USA as is Hawaii, which was represented by the 4 Pre class). Basically each class would sing a Hymn in English then in the language of the Country they represented. The 6th graders sang "Jesus Loves Me" in Chinese. My mo'opuna's class sang the same song in Spanish. Have any of you been in charge of 25 or so of 3 year olds? It is like herding cats! All that energy from so little food.

The volcano is still SOS, the weather is always great, sometimes wet, sometimes dry but always great. That's all folks! God bless.

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Happy Mother's Day.

Aloha: Happy, happy Mother's Day to all you mothers out there. We had a very nice day. Too bad Anakam had to work so we went out to brunch with Ka'iulani and Burida. Topher and CJ went to his mom's place for Mother's Day. We got home early enough for the "mother" in the house to go outside and play in her garden. I think I will have green beans to pick and eat in about 2 weeks. They sure do taste good right off the "vine".

Topher will be working this week so I get to sit my mo'opuna. So now for the reports; rain, 0.2 inches of rain. Volcano is SOS. God bless and take care.

Friday, May 7, 2010

Friday Post.

Aloha: My daughter, Anakam, told me today that she misses my posting. When I started a million years ago I used to write 6 times a week. Typing SOS is getting very old. The basic concept of this blog was twofold. One: keep mainland relations up to date on what is happening here in God's country, and secondly; air my views on what is happening in the news of the day. On item #1 it gets very boring as I type SOS. On item #2; nobody wants to hear what is happening. This country is in deep "DOODOO". This past week, Biden(the VP) suggested that all 401(k)'s be taken over by the government to create another government pension plan. This administration, in the GM takeover, repealed the 4th amendment to the Constitution so what the hell; the government owns all the money anyway. Maybe that is the plan; if the United States becomes like Mexico the illegals will all go back where they belong. Aloha oe and may God bless.

Sunday, May 2, 2010

Special Report Sunday.

Aloha: Today is the day!!!!! The great news for the year is that my daughter, Anakam, and her main squeeze, Topher, together with my mo'opuna are the proud owners of their own home in Hilo!!!! They closed on Thursday and are now waiting for the documents to be recorded in Honolulu. Before I started this blog, over a year ago, my older daughter, Ka'iulani, and her main squeeze, Burida, got there place. It sure feels good to know that one's children are well on their way to success and happiness. God has really blessed us!

Now for the mundane. The quaking of the earth and the spewing out of lava and all else that goes with this eruption is SOS. We have only had a trace of rain in the last 7 days. The birds are still stealing the dogs food and making a mess on our porch.

I just took a 10 question test. Turns out that I am, politically, a Libertarian. It is a test developed by David Nolan, and depending on your answers will tell you just what your political philosophy is, be it Centrist, Conservative, Liberal, Statist or Libertarian. I would venture a guess and say that over half the people in the United States do not really know what they are. When I got out of the Navy in 69 I went to the Hilo Campus of the University of Hawaii. In 70 I joined the Democratic party and became quite active behind the scenes. One of the big jokes in the party was that the people in the 2nd district, where I was from, thought they were Republican. I think that a majority of the people of Hawaii think they are Democrat because of the old plantation era when the bosses were Republican and the "common" folk were Democrat, so if you are a working stiff in Hawaii you are a Democrat, no matter what you believe. This test has you answer question about what you think or feel about a subject and when all your answers are plotted on a graph, and shows what you are within the five groups listed above. Pau for now.

God bless and be good to each other.

Saturday, May 1, 2010

May 1, 2010

Aloha: This will be short. I will be telling you all the good news tomorrow so stay tuned. Today is the 1st of May. In Hawaii today is known as "Lei Day". The schools usually have a program with a Hawaiian flavor with students representing all the different cultures here in Hawaii. I would like to take this opportunity to wish all of you a very happy May Day and hope you all get the chance to get Leid today. God bless and take care.